Pat Buchanan Asks “Are We Nearing Civil War?”

  Source: Zero Hedge   Authored by Patrick Buchanan via, President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot
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The First Firestorm

  Source: Zero Hedge Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via, That hysterical reaction to the travel ban announced Friday is a portent of what is to come if President Donald
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WND | By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America. The old order in this capital
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Lock Out the Establishment in Cleveland! By Patrick Buchanan The Wisconsin primary could be an axle-breaking speed bump on Donald Trump’s road to the nomination. Ted Cruz, now the last hope to derail Trump of
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The White Side of the Story

NESARA | Monday, August 24, 2015  This is the reason CNN has dropped Buchanan.  It’s like Newt G. Said, “you’re not supposed to bring up uncomfortable Facts.” (verified on Buchanan’s website) Finally………….It
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Patrick J. Buchanan Who Really Lost America?

Source: The American Conservative By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN • May 19, 2015, 12:05 AM  As Middle America rises in rage against “fast track” and the mammoth Obamatrade deal known as
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Inconvenient Truths About Turkey and Saudi Arabia

A Basket of Snakes Source: Lew Rockwell By Patrick J. Buchanan September 27, 2014 “Once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available
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Pat Buchanan: 300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat?

Islamic wars have brought questionable benefit to the US over the last 20 years, former US presidential advisor Pat Buchanan, author of Suicide of a Superpower, shared with RT. ­A
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Propaganda Rules The News

Source: Paul Craig Roberts Gerald Celente calls the Western media “presstitutes,” an ingenuous term that I often use.  Presstitutes sell themselves to Washington for access and government sources and to
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