Despite Campaign Promises, Trump Set To Outdo Obama On Military Adventurism

  Source: MintPress News | By Roqayah Chamseddine  Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has sent American troops into a number of military adventures and his administration is looking to promote even greater
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Pentagon Denies Trying To Shelve Study That Found $125 Billion In Waste

  Source: Zero Hedge The Defense Department on Tuesday denied it tried to quash a 2015 study that found it could save $125 billion in noncombat administrative programs but admitted
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Pentagon’s Sloppy Bookkeeping Means $6.5 Trillion Can’t Pass an Audit

  Source: The Fiscal Times | By Eric Pianin The Defense Department over the years has been notorious for its lax accounting practices. The Pentagon has never completed an audit of how
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“You Lie” – Fact-Checking Obama’s SOTU Job “Gains” Claims

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 01/13/2016 15:25 -0500 Via,  President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address came up short of the facts on several topics: He embellished his
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Military Spending Around the World

Security Spending Around the World Security Spending Around the World The United States spends more on security and defense than any other country in the world. Let’s look at what
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F35, The jet that ate the Pentagon • BRAVE NEW FILMS: SECURITY #1 • DOCUMENTARY

“This costly aircraft puts too many of the air mission eggs in one expensive basket, a jack of all trades fighter that is a platinum plated spork. Policymakers should pause
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New Military Spending Bill Expands Empire But Forbids Debate on War

Source: Strategic Culture Foundation EDITOR’S CHOICE | 18.05.2015 | 11:27 On Friday the House passed a massive National Defense Authorization for 2016 that will guarantee US involvement in more wars
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