SOURCE: ANTI MEDIA  Published: March 24, 2018 (ANTIWAR.COM) — The last minute signing of the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill in the US is a big windfall for the Pentagon, who will be
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From Bad to Worse

  By Ron Paul   Dear John, When I launched this “Keep Your Promises” Directive just two weeks ago, I was upset with how Congress was betraying America by doing virtually
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California’s fiscal watchdogs are bracing for the nation’s largest state-run pension fund to go BUST

  via: Government Slaves California’s fiscal watchdogs are bracing for the forthcoming press statements from the nation’s largest state-run pension fund, and from the public-sector unions that depend on the system
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103 Republicans defect from Ryan, Trump as House passes $1.2 trillion spending bill

  Source: Washington Examiner | Susan Ferrechio   More than 100 House Republicans broke from their leadership on Wednesday and voted against a $1.2 trillion spending bill to keep the government open
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GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit

    Source: National Review | By ANDREW STILES   Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today. Senator
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Despite Campaign Promises, Trump Set To Outdo Obama On Military Adventurism

  Source: MintPress News | By Roqayah Chamseddine  Since his inauguration, Donald Trump has sent American troops into a number of military adventures and his administration is looking to promote even greater
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Trump’s Budget Blueprint Takes Aim At Bloated Bureaucracy While Beefing Up Defense – MSM Flips Out

  via: iBankCoin | zeropointnow President Trump, through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued his administration’s America First Budget Blueprint (available here in PDF form, or a pastebin text version thx to Voat user
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Trump Wants to Cut Every Department But 1 – And Liberals Can’t STAND It

via: TeaParty Network Despite his polarizing force over the Republican party, Donald Trump maintains a pretty standard set of conservative values, including the value of low government spending. Case in point,
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Paul Ryan: Possibly the Speaker of the House of Misrepresentation? Well he misrepresents himself pretty well.

By Je suis Spike for RBN   Take this little quiz and see how you view Congressman Ryan’s record when another perspective is considered.  Yes, I refer to Paul Ryan, the
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Financial WMDs to Take Down World Economy

“So what happens THIS TIME when $30 trillion in financial weapons of mass destruction blow up in the bankers’ faces? Well, one thing is for sure: Governments and central banks
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New Military Spending Bill Expands Empire But Forbids Debate on War

Source: Strategic Culture Foundation EDITOR’S CHOICE | 18.05.2015 | 11:27 On Friday the House passed a massive National Defense Authorization for 2016 that will guarantee US involvement in more wars
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In rebuke to GOP leadership, House fails to pass stopgap DHS funding

Source: Christian Science Monitor  UPDATED: Sat. Feb. 28, 12:08am CT AP Reports “House OKs bill to fund Homeland Security for 1 week”  CLICK HERE for story via   On Friday,
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‘Blood and treasure’: US defense chief pushes global military engagement

Source: RT Facing a trillion dollars in cuts over the next decade and a declining appetite for engagement abroad, Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel attempted to rally the faithful as the
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