Paul Ryan: Possibly the Speaker of the House of Misrepresentation? Well he misrepresents himself pretty well.

October 13, 2015 in Columnists, Current Events, Economy, Financial Crisis, Je Suis Spike, News by RBN Staff

By Je suis Spike for RBN


Take this little quiz and see how you view Congressman Ryan’s record when another perspective is considered.  Yes, I refer to Paul Ryan, the running mate of Willard “Mitt” Romney; Paul, “I voted against my principles to preserve my principles.” Ryan, but this quiz is illustrative of how politicians and their work can be viewed differently, depending on your perspective and your willingness to see the truth when it slaps you in the face.  In this case, let’s compare or contrast Paul Ryan to some other well-known politicians and see if we don’t come away with a fresh understanding of Representative Ryan and what he has done compared to what he has told us that he has done.  See Ryan reveal his statist philosophy, as proven in the quote above:

1.  Regarding his vote on the bill to provide 700 billion dollars to bail out Wall Street bankers (y/our money), who said, “This bill offends my principles.  But I am going to vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles.”
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

2.  (Circle each correct choice.)  Who has voted for unbalanced budgets thereby increasing our national debt which causes our innocent children and our grandchildren to pay our debts?  Who has voted to raise the “debt ceiling?”
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

3.  (Circle each correct choice.)  Who voted for budget items for which there is no Constitutional justification?
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

4.  (Circle each correct choice.)  In voting for items for which there is no Constitutional justification, who failed to uphold their oath of office (having raised their right hand and sworn on God’s word) to protect and defend the Constitution?
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

5.  (Circle each correct choice.)  Who, of the following, speaks of fiscal conservatism, yet has a history (check it out) of voting for ever-increasing budgets (maintaining and extending family-destroying, government-power-increasing programs which merely transfer wealth (y/our tax dollars)) from people who earned it to people who did not earn it?
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

6.  Who authored legislation that, if passed, would require every item to be voted on individually so as to, we’re told, disallow the attachment to must-pass legislation any items that could not pass were they voted on individually, all the while failing to provide a good example to his colleagues by refraining from voting to pass legislative items with such attachments?  This is an example of rhetoric failing to match actions, some would call it hypocrisy and/or grandstanding.

a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

7.  (Circle each correct answer.)  Whose rhetoric, failing to match his/her votes, is fooling you?  (Not fooling the simple-minded or intellectually lazy or the possibly intellectually impaired who are fooled every election cycle by Democrats, but who is fooling YOU?)
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

8.  Whose legislative district has been gerrymandered to guarantee re-election into perpetuity quite in contrary to the assertions of his campaign and newspapers seemingly always claiming that he is in a “tough re-election battle?”

Unlike the correct answer(s) to the previous questions, answers to this question might reasonably be argued to be an opinion.

9.  (Circle all correct answers.)  Who, of these, belongs to a party which, for many years, while blaming the other party, has forced upon the American people: ever increasing spending on family-destroying, government-empowering programs; patently unConstitutional legislation, programs, Departments and Agencies; decreasing liberty as described by the autocratic power given to the President to suspend habeas corpus, effectively making this a nation of men not laws?

a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan

10.  Who among these has been called the fiscal conscience of his party and a policy wonk capable of “returning government to fiscal sanity,” despite the fact that what is called “fiscal sanity,” without the Constitution, (which he disregards with impunity, despite his vow on God’s bible not to), is still not fiscally sane except in the eyes of those who would tax and rule- rather than serve- the people?
a. Dick Durbin
b. Barack Obama
c. Hillary Clinton
d. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
e. Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan: Tough to contrast with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. and Dick Durbin, but easy to compare.
Thank you,
Je Suis Spike