“Nothing Is Moving,” Baltic Dry Crashes As Insiders Warn “Commerce Has Come To A Halt”

January 12, 2016 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 01/11/2016 13:05 -0500 The continued collapse of The Baltic Dry Index remains ignored by most – besides we still have Netflix, right? But, as Dollar Vigilante’s
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New Year Market Massacre Intensifies as China Sickness Spreads

January 7, 2016 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Money and Markets | Mike Larson | Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 4:20 pm  Here we go again. Last night, Chinese stocks plunged around 5% right off the bat. That triggered
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2016 Theme #4: The End-Game Of Debt-Fueled “Growth”

January 7, 2016 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 01/07/2016 10:57 -0500 Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,  This week I am addressing themes I see playing out in 2016.  A number of systemic,
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Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money

December 27, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

  The Telegraph | Mehreen Khan | 5:00PM GMT 24 Dec 2015 Referendum on radical proposal to give central banks sole money creation power will be held after petition gains 110,000 signatures  
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Paper Gold Dilution Hits 294x As Comex Registered Gold Drops To New All-Time Low

November 30, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 11/30/2015 16:59 -0500 One week ago, gold market observers were surprised when in the span of four days, gold held in the JPM Comex vault declined by
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A question that should be asked of EVERYBODY seeking office

November 11, 2015 in Collapse of the US Dollar, Columnists, Economy, Gold and Silver, Je Suis Spike by RBN Staff

  Resolved: Most of the problems that America suffers, for example, ever-increasing indebtedness, destruction of families by programs that breed dependency as certainly as the dependent breed new dependents, lack
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New ‘too big to fail’ rules could force banks to raise up to $1.19 trillion

November 9, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News by RBN Staff

Market Watch | Viktoria Dendrinou | Published: Nov 9, 2015 7:11 a.m. ET FSB rules apply to 30 banks; some may be forced to issue billions in new equity and debt BRUSSELS —
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Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse

November 6, 2015 in 2015, Collapse of the US Dollar, Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 10/25/2015 17:49 -0500 Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne’s crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been
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12 Days Before ’08 Crash, Congress was Secretly Told to Sell Off Their Stocks

October 27, 2015 in 2008, Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

The Free Thought Project | John Vibes | October 27, 2015 Earlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008, several members of Congress
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CIA Threaten 9/11 Researchers Who Discover Explosive Evidence

October 23, 2015 in Collapse of the US Dollar, False Flags by RBN Staff

  The CIA have issued legal threats against the film producers of ‘9/11 Press for Truth’ who found explosive evidence of a cover-up regarding the intelligence the agency had.  Producers Ray
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Iceland sentences 26 bankers to a combined 74 years in prison

October 22, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News by RBN Staff

US Uncut |  James Woods | October 21, 2015  In a move that would make many capitalists’ head explode if it ever happened here, Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to
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Paul Ryan: Possibly the Speaker of the House of Misrepresentation? Well he misrepresents himself pretty well.

October 13, 2015 in Columnists, Current Events, Economy, Financial Crisis, Je Suis Spike, News by RBN Staff

By Je suis Spike for RBN   Take this little quiz and see how you view Congressman Ryan’s record when another perspective is considered.  Yes, I refer to Paul Ryan, the
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More Evidence Surfaces: Criminals are Running The Federal Reserve

October 13, 2015 in Collapse of the US Dollar, Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Video by RBN Staff

RonMamita.com  | by RonMamita | October 12, 2015  The Federal Reserve with-holds the transcripts of their meetings for 5 years before releasing them to the public. In 2009 the Federal Reserve knew
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Keiser Report: Global Paradox of Risk (E820)

October 12, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Video by RBN Staff

YouTube Published on Oct 8, 2015  Check Keiser Report website for more: http://www.maxkeiser.com/ In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the fact that, now
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Why Are Tax Payers Being Charged To Destroy Their Own Jobs?

October 9, 2015 in Current Events, Economy, Financial Crisis by RBN Staff

‘Do you realise what you’ve done?’ Putin addresses UNGA 2015 (FULL SPEECH)

September 30, 2015 in Current Events, Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Video by RBN Staff

YouTube | RT Streamed live on Sep 28, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to address the 70th UN General Assembly session in New York City on Monday, September 28.
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Step Aside Detroit: There Is A New “Worst” City For Housing In The U.S.

September 29, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 09/29/2015 15:48 -0400   While the Case-Shiller index reported earlier was weaker than had been expected, and the 20 City composite index posted its third monthly decline
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Forget Glencore: This Is The Real “Systemic Risk” Among The Commodity Traders

September 29, 2015 in 2015, Economy, Financial Crisis, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 09/29/2015 15:43 -0400 Back in July, long before anyone was looking at Glencore (or Asia’s largest commodity trader, Noble Group which we also warned last month was due
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China Will Pony Up $3.1 Billion to Help Poor Countries Fight Climate Change

September 28, 2015 in Collapse of the US Dollar, Current Events, Economy, Financial Crisis by RBN Staff

JAMES WEST | motherjones.com China followed up its promise Friday to create the world’s largest cap-and-trade program with yet another significant climate policy announcement: It will commit to spending $3.1
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Piers Morgan — “The Pope’s right: America doesn’t have to be a country driven by gun-toting, blood-thirsty, planet-destroying bigots”

September 24, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, News by RBN Staff

Daily Mail | PIERS MORGAN FOR MAILONLINE I’m not surprised John Boehner sobbed like a baby in Congress today. Aside from the fact that the esteemed Speaker of the House seems disconcertingly
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