Switzerland to vote on banning banks from creating money

December 27, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

  The Telegraph | Mehreen Khan | 5:00PM GMT 24 Dec 2015 Referendum on radical proposal to give central banks sole money creation power will be held after petition gains 110,000 signatures  
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Paper Gold Dilution Hits 294x As Comex Registered Gold Drops To New All-Time Low

November 30, 2015 in Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 11/30/2015 16:59 -0500 One week ago, gold market observers were surprised when in the span of four days, gold held in the JPM Comex vault declined by
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A question that should be asked of EVERYBODY seeking office

November 11, 2015 in Collapse of the US Dollar, Columnists, Economy, Gold and Silver, Je Suis Spike by RBN Staff

  Resolved: Most of the problems that America suffers, for example, ever-increasing indebtedness, destruction of families by programs that breed dependency as certainly as the dependent breed new dependents, lack
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Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse

November 6, 2015 in 2015, Collapse of the US Dollar, Economy, Financial Crisis, Gold and Silver, News, Stock Market Crash by RBN Staff

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 10/25/2015 17:49 -0500 Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne’s crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been
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5 Tons of Registered Gold Left at COMEX, 40 Tonnes May Stand for Delivery: “It’s Gonna Be Chaos!”

November 6, 2015 in Economy, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

InvestmentWatch | Submitted by IWB, on November 6th, 2015 With Gold and Silver Smashed Again This Week, Harvey Organ Joins the Show to Break Down All the Action, Discussing: *5 Tons
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China Now Dumping Dollar From Oil Trade For Yuan

September 9, 2015 in Current Events, Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com       Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 09.08.2015 Greek people say adopting the Euro
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How Tethered to China are the Wall Street Banks?

September 2, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

wallstreetonparade.com | Pam Martens & Russ Martens The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 469.6 points yesterday for a loss of 2.84 percent but Wall Street banks and trading firms took
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August 31, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Andrew Hoffman MANIPULATORS’ LAST STAND? The Miles Franklin Blog’s primary goal is to encourage long-term thinking, regarding the “big picture” of what’s going on in the global economy and financial
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Jim Willie: US Dollar Will Not Survive 2015!

August 25, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Silver Doctors | Jim Willie In the closing months of 2014, on numerous occasions the position was put forth that as the days of January stacked up, toward the end
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The 8 Trillion Black Swan: Is China’s Shadow Banking System About To Collapse?

August 19, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“Eleven shadow banks have written an open letter to the top Communist party official in northern China’s Hebei province asking for a bailout that would enable the bankrupt credit guarantee
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LIBERTY DOLLAR ALERT: August 17. 2015 Government to Return the Majority of the Seized Material!!!

August 18, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters! I am very pleased to inform you that on Friday, August 14, 2015, Assistant US Attorney Thomas R. Ascik just filed Document 632 that outlines 265
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Shocking: New Laws Seizing “Total Control Over the Finances of Every Single American”

August 16, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“The government hates cash because it’s difficult to control, difficult to track and difficult to tax. The punishment for “excessive” use of cash takes different forms. On a federal level,
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PBOC Doubles Down On Devaluation, A Day After Claiming An (LOL) “One Time Adjustment”

August 13, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“And given what appears to be brewing in the silver market, the odds of 2008-style shortages are surging with each passing day; likely, with similar gold shortages, as in 2008,
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This Move By Texas Will Make The Fed Furious!

August 11, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“While some analysts have said the move may be another sign heralding Texas’ eventual secession from the union, or preparation for financial Armageddon, its advocates say the depository simply makes
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When A Train Wreck Is No Accident

August 10, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Never in history have the economic and political structures been so manipulated by those who are responsible for their safekeeping; never has so much been at stake, in so many
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If you own anything priced in U.S. dollars…

August 3, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

Mark Down This Date: October 20, 2015 For the first time in 35 years, an upcoming announcement could start a new era in modern finance, and could create a once-in-a-lifetime
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Global Banking System on the Verge of Total Collapse

July 27, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

As the axiom goes, “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” And since our politicians, bankers and citizens have ignored the horrifying events of just 6 years ago,
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After China dumps gold, Indians in no mood to rescue the yellow metal

July 21, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“This is not a festive or wedding season, so interest remains low,” said Kumar Jain, vice-president of the Mumbai Jewellers Association. Source: The Times of India Reuters | Jul 21, 2015,
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All Hail Our Banking Overlords!

July 20, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“If you had asked me ten years ago if there was any chance of Greece becoming a failed state within a decade, I would have said ‘No, no chance.’  But
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BREAKING: Texas Makes Massive Move to Prepare for Secession From the Union

July 8, 2015 in Gold and Silver, News by RBN Staff

“Subsequently, many individuals wonder if this is a move by Texas toward eventual secession from the United States. “Just moving it [the gold] would be pretty expensive and, unless Texas
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