Is the God of Today’s Judaism the Same as the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob?

  Source: WHTT   Many Christians, especially Christian Zionists, believe that the religion of Judaism today is the same as was the religion of the Israelites of the Old Testament,
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NY Times Attacks Bernie Sanders For Not Sounding Jewish Enough

WHTT | News Post | February 24, 2016  Bernie Sanders  is closing in on Hillary Clinton, running ads promising to break up the US monopoly banks, a promise not heard in my lifetime from a
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International Jewry Defeats Canadian Publisher in Landmark Case

American Free Press | Victor Thorn | DECEMBER 20, 2015       • How soon before “hate squad” hits U.S. writers, thinkers?     November 12, 2015 will forever stand as an
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Marching to Zion – Christian Zionism and 1948 Israel Exposed!


“Jewish power is supremely epitomized by the fact that criticism of Christianity, Islam, or any other major religion or ethnic group is fully permissible in our societies, but criticism of
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Stone Cold Steve Austin asks Paul Heyman about a Jewish monopoly

The Jewish entertainment mogul has no problem bantering with the wrestling star about Jewish supremacy over commerce, entertainment, etc., while simultaneously decrying the victimization of his people. Source: YouTube Published on
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Protocols of the Elders of Zion – A One Page Summary

Source: Understanding the World Today Preamble: Zionism is a political movement. Not all Jews are Zionists [including this author]. Many Christians and Atheists are Zionists. Further complicating this issue,  one
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Renouncing Judaism

Source: Freedom 4um Published: Oct 11, 2014 Renouncing Judaism by Stephen Lendman Decades of Israeli high crimes against peace are reason enough for all Jews for justice to do it.
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