Pastor Chuck Baldwin Tells of His Exit from Christian Zionism

  Source: WHTT Pastor Baldwin is interviewed by Steven Ben-Nun, on Israeli News Live about his three decades long belief that the modern state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy,
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Deceptions Preached Inside Christian Zionist Churches

  Source: WHTT   Posted by AUDIO VIDEO  April 9, 2019 This is the first podcast in a series entitled “The Christian Bible, War & Peace, and Where Is America Going Wrong.”
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Countering Christian Zionists Dual Allegiance

  Source: WHTT by Tom Compton  March 29, 2019 Millions of American, evangelical Christians don’t even realize that they have been conditioned to believe that the modern state of Israel is the
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Christchuch Massacre: Devout Christians and Israeli Zionists are Responsible

  Source: WHTT   Posted by Charles E Carlson  March 16, 2019 *Israeli Zionists are coaches for the acts of churchgoing Christian Zionists (CZ hereafter). We Hold These Truths will not take
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Chuck Baldwin on Trump’s Wall & Swamp Creatures

  Source: WHTT   Pastor Chuck Baldwin rejoins us with an appeal to his fellow, evangelical, Christian leaders, who have been blinded by President Donald Trump and his cast of
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Why American evangelicals are a huge base of support for Israel

  Source: WHTT   “Evangelical Christians make up the biggest pro-Israel bloc in the US. Support for Israel is stronger among American evangelicals than it is even among American Jews.
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  Source: Panama Kent | by William E.Cox Breaking away from the fascinating teachings of The Scofield Reference Bible was one of the most difficult decisions of my entire life. Even after
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Public Radio Details Judaized Christians’ Passion for Israel

  Source: WHTT   Christopher Connelly, in his article, “Why American Evangelicals Are a Huge Base of Support for Israel,” written before the last election, concludes: “However the election in
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Franklin Graham Goes to Bat for Israel And Is Challenged

  Source: WHTT Millions of “zionized” Christians have been jumping for joy with the moving of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Among them is Franklin Graham, son of
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Pastor Dr. Chuck Baldwin Rejects Christian Zionism

  Source: WHTT   Dr. Chuck Baldwin is a prominent American, evangelical, Christian pastor who ran for President of the United States on the Constitution Party in 2008. He currently is
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Eileen Fleming Exposes the Role of Neo-Christianity in World War

  Source: WHTT   Author Eileen Fleming talks about her activism for peace that was jump started by 911. She is the author of 9 books, including “A USS Liberty Remembrance
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Mainline and Catholic Churches Can End Zionist Wars -Audio Discussion-

  Source: WHTT |  Tom Compton  Jesus said, “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God.” (Matthew 5:7). To Neo-Christian Zionists, those words of Jesus play second
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Explaining Christian Zionism, A Faith Based Anti-Reality, Part 2

  Source: WHTT Dispensationalism is the theological underpinning of Neo-Christian Zionism. In this 22 minute podcast Chuck Carlson and members of We Hold These Truths discuss what Dispensationalism is all
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Mainline and Catholic Churches Can End Zionist Wars

  Source: WHTT |  Charles E Carlson  An organized structure exists that can bring wars to an end. It is somewhere within the long forgotten, slumbering Mainline and Catholic churches. It is you
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Explaining Christian Zionism, A Faith Based Anti-Reality, Part I

  Source: WHTT |  by Craig Hanson  Adherents to Neo-Christian Zionism theology are doing their best to appear part of mainstream Christianity, with a theology they claim, dates to the early days of
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Brutality-Blind Churches Invent Labels for Palestine Sympathetic Christians

  Source: WHTT   Those who call themselves “Christian Zionists” need to justify their dubious theology. One of their dodges is to call non-believers of the notion that the modern
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What If American Christians Were Truly Followers of Christ

  Source: WHTT  Craig Hanson, We Hold These Truths’ California Outreach Director, contends that the Zionistic Judaism of today and the Christian Zionism that supports it, have more in common with
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Seminary President Acknowledges Need To Understand Christian Zionist Epidemic

  Source: WHTT More Christian theologians are waking up to the false promises of Christian Zionist theology. Dr. Rob Dalrymple, in his book, “These Brothers of Mine: A Theology of Land
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At An Arizona Mosque, A Christ Follower Explains Christian Zionism.

  Source: WHTT  Tom Compton  July 17, 2017 We Hold These Truths representatives have been invited to speak at numerous mosques about our Christian ministry that challenges Christian Zionism, a form
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WHTT Asks Southern Baptist Convention Messengers To Choose Life Not War

Source: WHTT   Members of the vigil team from We Hold These Truths greeted messengers to the 2017 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), held in Phoenix, Arizona.
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