Franklin Graham Goes to Bat for Israel And Is Challenged
June 19, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: WHTT
Millions of “zionized” Christians have been jumping for joy with the moving of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Among them is Franklin Graham, son of deceased evangelist, Billy Graham. Evidence that Franklin Graham is a genuine, “zionized” Christian should be obvious to the intuitively obvious to the casual observer in these two articles: “Franklin Graham links return of Christ to opening of US embassy in Jerusalem” and “Franklin Graham Speaks at Israeli Embassy.”
Friends of We Hold These Truths in Fresno, CA greet attendees to Franklin Graham’s “Decision America California Tour.”
Franklin Graham has conducted a “Decision America California Tour.”Friends of We Hold These Truths, in Fresno, CA conducted a vigil at the event with remarkable results. In this 15 minute zinger of a program we learn from Kitty Jacobs that the Graham tour has been meeting with opposition at other stops. One of Kitty’s signs asks the question, “Is Jesus or the State of Israel the Fulfillment of Prophecy. Choose!”