Big Red Flag: Steve Jobs And Bill Gates Raised Their Kids Tech-Free Wikipedia Commons WRITTEN BY: CHRIS WELLER NOVEMBER 29, 2017 The most prominent Technocrats in Big Tech that invented most of the technology that is taking over the world, kept their own
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Five cities win the Smart Cities Council Readiness Challenge Grant

  Source: Tech Republic | Teena Maddox There were 133 cities vying for one of five spots as part of a grant program from the Smart Cities Council. Find out the winning
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Leading Scholar Outs Global Elite Endgame As Technocracy

  Source: | By PATRICK WOOD Alarm: “An anxious awareness of danger”. People will not move to action on any issue, no matter how serious, unless they become alarmed. The reason
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BREAKING: TIME Magazine Openly Promotes Technocracy

  Source: | BY: PATRICK WOOD WRITTEN BY: PATRICK WOOD DECEMBER 8, 2016 My book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, is now fully validated with the publication
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Technocracy Or Is It Leninism From Silicon Valley Tech Moguls?

Source: WRITTEN BY: MARKET MAD HOUSE Now that America’s financial power center has shifted from Wall Street to Silicon Valley, we need to ask ourselves, “What are the tech industry
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US Military Uses Electrical Brain Stimulation To Enhance Skills

  via: | By IAN SAMPLE Technocrat scientists are fully entwined with the military, and are using soldiers for medical experiments to increase brain efficiency. What are the long-term medical effects?
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Global Cooling Straight Ahead, Says Solar Physicist

  Source: | By: GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FORUM By definition, science is never ‘settled’, unless you are a Technocrat who cannot be wrong. Based on studies of the sun, which is
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Technocracy And The Rise Of The Police State

  Technocracy is a totalitarian system of economic tyranny, run by scientists and engineers, that is being implemented world wide. The most ‘efficient’ means of societal control is not legislative
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The Manic Drive To Return Land To Nature While Destroying Agriculture | Patrick Wood Since 1992, war on agriculture and food production in the United States has been under fierce attack, but the greatest heat has been felt in the
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