EXCERPT: In the summer of 1963, four European nations (Germany, Italy, France, and Switzerland), demanded payment in gold from the United States Treasury for 654 million American dollars held
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Dismantling McCain’s Disastrous Legacy Should Now Be Trump’s Top Priority

McCain’s absence will create a unique opportunity for President Trump to alter the course of our foreign and domestic policy By Tom Luongo Russia Insider July 22, 2017 It is
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Fissures in the Empire

  Source: Information Clearing House | By Paul Craig Roberts  If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:
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The Untold Story Behind The “Mutiny At The State Department” Where Dozens Demand War With Syria

Source: Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden Confirming once again that the entire US Middle-East campaign over the past 4 years has been one ongoing plan to destabilize and eliminate Syria’s president Bashar
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US pledges largest ever military aid package to Israel

PressTV | Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:52PM The United States government has responded to Senate pressure by pledging that it is going to offer its “largest ever” military aid package to Israel.
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No Easy Answers – There is no safety from the blowback of heedless interventionism | Justin Raimondo The Republican wing of the War Party – and their Democratic doppelgangers – sure are having a field day over the San Bernardino massacre. At last
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