Gaza becoming ‘unlivable’ faster than expected: UN official

  Source: PressTV A UN official has warned that the Gaza Strip is drawing closer to becoming “unlivable” much faster than previous expectations, as Israel’s all-out blockade of the impoverished sliver
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As Big Box Stores And Malls Die, Suburbia Slides Into Poverty

  Source: | BY: CHRIS WELLER WRITTEN BY: CHRIS WELLER JULY 10, 2017 The Internet has brought prosperity to many, but suburbia, where poverty is rising dramatically, is not included. Technocrat-minded companies like Amazon
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Chicago’s Terrible New Plan to Force High School Kids Into the Military

  via: From The Trenches World Report | The Anti-Media – by Alice Salles Chicago, Illinois, has a chronic inflated state problem disguised as a schooling problem. In order to eradicate
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Sojourners: Racial Equity And Sustainability In The Green Economy

  Source: | By DEEOHN FERRIS Sojourners is a quasi-Christian journal funded by the globalist disrupter George Soros, and is bent on corrupting the Christian community and its reliance on the Bible as
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Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes

  via: Zero Hedge Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,  Just like during the last economic crisis, homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty
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He Gave A Homeless Man $100 And Followed Him To See How He Spent It. You Won’t Believe This

Post Provider | Erin Stevens How does a homeless man spend money? Josh Paler Lin wanted to find out, so after handing a random homeless man $100 in cash, he followed him.
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Alon Ben-Meir Challenges Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

WHTT | News Post | February 24, 2016  Dr. Alon Ben Meir is a professor and Senior Fellow at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs and Senior Fellow at theWorld Policy Institute.
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UN Finalizes 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Source: IISD 2 August 2015: The final version of the draft post-2015 development agenda, titled ‘Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,’ was adopted by acclamation at the
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85 Super Wealthy People Have More Money Than The Poorest 3.5 Billion Combined

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network The global economy is structured to systematically funnel wealth to the very top of the pyramid, and this centralization of global wealth is accelerating
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Hillary Clinton Has Got To Be Joking – This Is What ‘Dead Broke’ Actually Looks Like…

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network During a recent interview with Diane Sawyer, Hillary Clinton claimed that Bill and her were “dead broke” when they left the White House.  And
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Woman Dies in Jail Because She Failed to Pay a Fine—For Her Child’s Truancy From School

Source: Reason Some monstrous policy out of Pennsylvania, from Associated Press via the Pottstown Mercury News, a land where there is no such thing as debtors prison for the poor
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