BLACK CRIME FACTS THAT THE WHITE LIBERAL MEDIA DAREN’T TALK ABOUT Police brutality targeting blacks will not subside until this becomes part of the national conversation

Source: author: Paul Joseph Watson Despite the revelation that half of the officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray – the incident that led to the Baltimore riots – are
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The Need for a New Black Consciousness in an Era Plagued by Thugs on Both Sides of the Racial Divide

“[Rage] should be directed against the police, their headquarters, and other government officials like the mayor, chief of police, and state representatives that you believe are oppressing your people. After
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NYPD’s “chokehold” killing of father sparks outrage

The New York City Police Department is under intense fire from community members after video emerged online of Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six, dying after officer’s placed him
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NYPD Cops Choke Man to Death

The New York City Police Department is once again at the center of controversy after video emerged online showing a man being choked to death by several police officers. Repeatedly
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Police armed with heavy weaponry throughout the US

Police forces are increasingly being armed with heavy weaponry designed for war, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The organization released a report Tuesday detailing the increasingly militarized weaponry
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Police Officers Being Encouraged To Think A Violent Outcome Is Desirable

Woman Dies in Jail Because She Failed to Pay a Fine—For Her Child’s Truancy From School

Source: Reason Some monstrous policy out of Pennsylvania, from Associated Press via the Pottstown Mercury News, a land where there is no such thing as debtors prison for the poor
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“Boston strong” shows its true colors

Source: Brass Check TV Criminal behavior, no consequences The dark side of “Boston strong” Let’s tally this up: They broke down a woman’s door without a warrant… They assaulted her…
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Police Unions Paying Cops Involved In Shootings Bonuses!

Hall of Shame – Police Brutality Compilation

Police Shoot, Kill 80 Year Old Man In His Own Bed, Don’t Find the Drugs They Were Looking For

Source: Freedom 4um

Stop Resisting Execution: Cold-Blooded Arizona Cops Assassinate Suspect with His Hands in the Air

Source: The Daily Sheeple For absolutely no reason other than “because they could”, cops in Pinal County, Arizona executed a suspect who was standing there, not near any of the
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