Sojourners: Racial Equity And Sustainability In The Green Economy

  Source: | By DEEOHN FERRIS Sojourners is a quasi-Christian journal funded by the globalist disrupter George Soros, and is bent on corrupting the Christian community and its reliance on the Bible as
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Hillary Clinton Backs Monsanto: Claims that “To Be Anti-Monsanto” Is to Be “Pro Global-Warming”

Source: Global Research On June 27th, I reported Hillary Clinton’s having privately told GMO industry lobbyists, on 25 June 2014, that the federal government should subsidize GMO firms in order
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Doing Solyndra Over Again

Political Outcast | MACK STETSON | SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 The path that led to the Solyndra bankruptcy is being re-traced by the White House. I posted a month ago that Barack Obama was
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Scotland Bans Growing GM Crops

Independent evidence shows GM foods and ingredients harm human health. All nations should ban them. UN General Assembly measures and international humanitarian laws say all nations are responsible for protecting
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Austin Bag Ban Study Finds Reusable Plastic Bag Use on the Rise

“Waters says those reusable plastic bags, if not used to their maximum capability, can actually be more difficult to recycle and have a larger carbon footprint. “While most citizens find
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Source: Breitbart Australia’s cabinet has decided it will reject new contributions or taxes related to climate change at this week’s annual United Nations global summit on climate change in Warsaw,
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