How Can Americans Feel Safe, When There Are No Rules?
By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network They always say that the husband is the last to know and that a devastating extramarital affair that can serve to undermine a marriage,
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network They always say that the husband is the last to know and that a devastating extramarital affair that can serve to undermine a marriage,
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Tags: dave hodges and the common sense show, FEMA, genocide, Government, martial law, ndaa, new world order, Patriot Acts I and II, police state, Protesters, the common sense show
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Seemingly, the number of officials and prominent citizens that would abuse our children seems to have no limit and nobody is doing anything about
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Tags: cps abuses, dave hodges and the common sense show, George H. W. Bush and child trafficking, monika wesolowski, Prince Charles and child trafficking, Savile, the common sense show
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child. Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of
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Tags: bush and child trafficking, child trafficking., dave hodges and the common sense show, franklin house, monika wesolowski, nancy schaefer, pedophiles, sandusky, second mile foundation, the common sense show, trafficking children for the super bowl
Comments Off on Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite’s Child Trafficking Rings
By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network When holding on to sensitive information, I have found it prudent to go public as I believe it gives the greatest chance of not
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Tags: child abduction, child sex trafficking, CPS, dave hodges and the common sense show, the common sense show
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network I have never received more vitriolic email since I ran the John Moore declaration about Russian commandos coming into country. However, I have received
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Tags: dave hodges and the common sense show, FEMA, fema camps, fm 3-39.40, foreign troops on american soil, genocide, martial law, the common sense show
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network South Africa has it all, rewilding, UNESCO’s Education for All which has dumbed downed an entire population, prohibition to thin out forests which leads
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Tags: Academi, agenda 21, Blackwater, Common Core, dave hodges and the common sense show, NWO, quota systems, the common sense show, United Nations
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Recently, I wrote an article in which I stated that world could be within a five week window of an all out war in
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Tags: Blackwater, dave hodges and the common sense show, NATO, Obama, putin, the common sense show, Ukraine, world war III
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse occurs, due to a currency devaluation,
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Tags: anthony weiner, anti social personality disorder, crazy politicians, crony capitalism, dave hodges and the common sense show, goldman sachs, Government, hillary clinton, new world order, police state, senator feinstein, the common sense show, tim geithner, wall street
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Attention Federal Employees: Who’s watching you? Americans live in a time of unprecedented tyranny through the enactment of unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act and the
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Tags: dave hodges and the common sense show, FEMA, goldman sachs, martial law, ndaa, Obama, operation insider threat, police state, the common sense show, tyranny
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Howard Bloom, Yale literature professor and cultural critic, recently stated “I am 79 years old and I have never seen this country in such
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Tags: chinese attack upon america, dave hodges and the common sense show, Government, new world order, Obama, police state, world war III
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Far beneath the ground, the federal government owns the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they receive no royalties, rents, and bonus
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Tags: chinese purchase American debt, chinese takeover of U.S., Cliven Bundy, dave hodges and the common sense show, eo 13603, Harry Reid, hillary clinton, ndaa, Obama, world war III
Comments Off on World War III Has Already Been Lost and the Chinese Are In the Process of Occupying Amerika: You Are Chinese Property (Part Four)
By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In an interview I conducted with Dr. Jim Garrow on May 4, 2014, the ex-CIA official was adamant that the Chinese plan to use
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Tags: Chinese, chinese invasion, Chinese Solar Energy Zones, dave hodges and the common sense show, emp attack, EMP weapons, Solar Energy Zone, world war III
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In order to keep its head about water for just one more day, the Federal Reserve has now permitted Chinese-controlled banks to take stakes
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Tags: chinese takeover of the American economy, dave hodges and the common sense show, end the fed, the federal reserve, world war III
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The title is bold, but it is all out in the open. By tomorrow at this time, you will know the entire story and
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Tags: Chinese takeover of America, Cliven Bundy, dave hodges and the common sense show, Dr. Jim Garrow, federal reserve, Harry Reid, putin, solar energy zones, Ukraine, world war III
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network How is that Kool-Aid tasting? Congratulations America, you have twice elected an avowed communist who believes in eugenics and is totally committed to the takedown
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Tags: agenda 21, Common Core, dave hodges and the common sense show, Education, Government, micro-chipping, new world order, police state, psyop, the deliberate dumbing down of america
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Are these robots the servants of man, or will they become the main enemy of mankind? Who was Gene Roddenberry? What insider information did he have almost
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Tags: agenda 21, autonomous robots, dave hodges and the common sense show, gene roddenberry, new world order, police state, robotics, star trek, world war III
Comments Off on Nowhere to Run, Nowhere To Hide From the Killer Robots
By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Much has been made about the Obama administration’s plan to willingly forfeit control of the organization (ICANN) that administers the Internet is fueling justifiable
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Tags: 666, agenda 21, crony capitalism, dave hodges and the common sense show, end of the free internet, internet censorship, ndaa, new world order, Obama, police state, the end of the alternative media, un control over the internet
Comments Off on Details Revealed of the UN’s Plans to Seize the Internet
By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Anyone knows, who has half of an eye open, that American citizens are soon to become an endangered species under our present lunatic President.
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Tags: Civil War?, dave hodges and the common sense show, depopulation, FEMA, genocide, Government, martial law, new world order, Oath Keepers, Obama, police state
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