Lee Stranahan: ‘Ideological Coup’ By Kushner-Linked Goldman Globalists Destroying Trump White House

  Source: Zero Hedge After Wikileaks revelations that Citigroup picked Obama’s cabinet, it appears the Trump administration is succumbing to ‘same globalism, different bank.’ Weeks after the Daily Mail exposed an internal struggle
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Trump Concerned There Are Too Many “Goldman Guys” On His Team

  Source: Zero Hedge Two days after democratic senators Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin sent a letter to Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein, asking if Goldman effectively runs the country through
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WikiLeaks Releases Texts of 3 Hillary Goldman Sachs Speeches

Source: sjlendman.blogspot.com by Stephen Lendman Earlier WikiLeaks releases showed Hillary’s public and private positions on major issues greatly diverge. Her highly-paid private addresses reveal an entirely different agenda on how she’ll
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Ted Cruz’s wife escorted out by security during husband’s speech

  Source: WIOD   Trump crowd turning on Cruz pic.twitter.com/BCjUp2Aiv4 — Graham Moomaw (@gmoomaw) July 21, 2016   Angry Ken Cuccinelli escorting Heidi Cruz out as Trump supporters yell at
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Goldman Sachs Pays $5.1Bn Fine For Cheating Investors, 2005-7

WHTT | Charles E Carlson | April 18, 2016  The Financial Times of London, in a story last Monday entitled “Goldman pays $5.1bn to settle MBS mis-selling“, tells us that “Federal officials on Monday provided fresh details
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Stock Buybacks and the Wall Street Sharktank: “A Whole Lotta Stealin’ Goin’ On”

Unz Review | Mike Whitney Let’s say you lend your brother-in-law, Pauli, 5,000-bucks so he can get his fledgling construction business off-the-ground. Then, you find out a week later that
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America’s Road To Serfdom: 51% Of Renters Are Over-40 Years Old

Zero Hedge | Tyler Durden | 12/09/2015 14:45 -0500 Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, Today’s story from the Associated Press perfectly illustrates how millions of Americans were reduced to neo-feudal serfs
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Gold Price Manipulation Was “Routine”, FT Reports

Source: Zero Hedge Two weeks ago when news broke about the first confirmed instance of gold price manipulation (because despite all the “skeptics” claims to the contrary, namely that every
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The Theft of Your Retirement Accounts Will Accompany the Seizure of Bank Accounts

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network A couple of readers recently wrote to me and asked me when will the collective theft of our bank accounts commence? I answered, 1913,
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Proof that Most Politicians and CEO’s Are Certifiably Insane

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse occurs, due to a currency devaluation,
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Time to Decide Federal Employees: Are You a Traitor or a Patriot?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Attention Federal Employees: Who’s watching you? Americans live in a time of unprecedented tyranny through the enactment of unconstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act and the
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Goldman Sachs Drops a Bombshell on Wall Street

Source: Wall Street on Parade The caribou have vanished on Wall Street and the wolves are in a feeding frenzy against each other. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that
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Goldman Sachs’ Outrageous Scheme to Profit Off Jailed Young Offenders

Source: AlterNet In 2012, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that New York City would be the site of a new experiment very dear to his billionaire’s heart. He declared that Wall
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The Five Factors Needed to Enslave a Nation

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network “America, the most free nation on earth? Terrorists hates us because of our freedom”?  Really? I can barely type these words without laughing hysterically.
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The Conditions of Your Re-Education Camp Confinement

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network This article is the second part in a series which clearly documents the existence of detention camps in which such activities as virtual slave
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Americans Have Been Targeted for Elimination

Source: The Common Sense Show A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon Magazine
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Don’t Leave Your Money in the Bank Without Reading This First

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network According to Naomi Wolf’s New York State Supreme Court complaint, she first discovered“unexplained activity” on her three Washington Mutual (WaMu) checking accounts in 2005. The prominent
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Game Over: Total Collapse is Imminent

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network America, while you slept, your country was stolen from you. Your country was absconded by all the political misfits and corporate criminals that the
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