The Five Factors Needed to Enslave a Nation
February 26, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff
By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network
“America, the most free nation on earth? Terrorists hates us because of our freedom”? Really? I can barely type these words without laughing hysterically. America has descended rapidly on the path of being a police state and we have been in political free fall since September 11, 2001.
I am not going to lie to you America, our country and its values, its economy and the forces that control our country are not what the average American want to see. Liberty has taken a backseat to tyranny. However, I believe that freedom is often the result of the space between the prison bars that we create for ourselves on an individual level. Yet, there are five variables that a super elite must control in order to subjugate a nation and its people. The five variables are the media, the rules governing economics, social standards, the political system and the military. This article briefly analyzes the control the super elite have over each of these four areas.
The Media
Six corporations control 98% of the media. These same six corporations virtually control everything that most people see, hear and subsequently believe. The CNN’s and FOX networks have successfully turned the majority of our people into sheep who are willing to accept any form of dictatorship so long as it is endorsed and glorified by the news media.
There is, however, a steadily growing group of Americans who have taken off their blinders and who are slowly but surely waking up to the growing tyranny which is dominating our country.
Amazingly, only two percent of the media broadcasts the message of freedom. The growth of the patriot movement is largely due to just two percent of the media which is not corporate owned by corporations such as Gannett Broadcasting and Clear Channel Communications. The chances are that you are reading this article on one of the venues which are free to tell you the truth which subsequently states that every aspect of your society is controlled by the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking empire.
If the super elite controls 98% of the media outlets, they control the narrative. However, David is beginning to defeat Goliath. The 98% majority is beginning to lose the battle with the two percent. Because of the threat to the establishment, don’t look for the alternative media to be around much longer.
Even if the mainstream media absorbs the alternative media, we are still free to interact with like-minded people, at least for the time being. The encroachment of NSA spying into our daily lives, which monitor our every communication, is very troublesome. But for now, we the people control the final narrative.
Social Factors
The majority of Americans still believe in hard work, their religion and traditional family values which honors the sanctity of marriage as defined in the Bible. Through the control of the media and an increasing control of the government, Americans are being forced into glorifying every form behavior, previously considered to be perverse and the traditional values of the American family are under attack by the media, Child Protective Services and the education system.
I used to be considered a social liberal. I am responsible for my life and my life alone. I have too many flaws for myself to worry about the religious, social and sexual preference beliefs of my neighbors. So long as nobody was violating my rights, I could care less what lifestyle someone embraces because we all will answer to God on the some fateful day. But because I am a white, Christian, heterosexual male who is the leader of my family and I teach Christian values to my son, I am attacked as an intolerant bigot, where only a few years ago, I was considered to be a social liberal by those who knew me. My sacred beliefs are subject to criticism. We now live in a society that is being ruled by the extreme minority and we are being forced to comply with the intolerant dictates of the social elite. And I, the former social liberal, who never advocated for discrimination against anyone, is experiencing discrimination from those who used to beg for acceptance and equality. Welcome to a fundamentally transformed America. At this rate, the new America will drive all Christians into the closet formerly occupied by those with alternative lifestyles. I truly believe that the renewal of the persecution of the Christians is just around the corner.
Yet, at the end of the day, nobody can control how we raise our children. Nobody can ever control the values that a family holds dear, while respecting each person to make their own choices. This freedom is due to the fact that nobody controls what you think, at least not yet.
From the period of 1800-1913, a dollar was still worth a dollar. After the inception of the Federal Reserve, the relative wealth of the dollar has been eroded by 97%. What a dollar could buy 100 years ago, can buy three cents worth today.
One unelected entity controls the nation’s banks, The Federal Reserve. The same people control all governmental legislation for all economic policies including the Stock Market. When the super elite get caught with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar and suffer major economic losses, they simply steal from the people and call it a bail-out. As a result, we have had the bail-out, the son of bail-out and the grandson of the bail-outs.
This same super elite outlaw all competing forms of economic exchange except for the very one that they control, the soon-to-be fiat currency called the dollar. Yes, the dollar will soon be a fiat currency as Russia, China and India are purchasing Iranian oil in gold and bypassing the dollar as the only medium of exchange (i.e. the Petrodollar). This will lead to war that will be started by a false flag provocation and the Syrians and the Iranians will be blamed. The war will follow the imposition of martial law at home following a series of domestic false flag attacks designed to eliminate all citizen opposition to the coming conflict.
Americans do still have the power to collapse the globalist system of economics by refusing to participate in the system. I have repeatedly called for not shopping at multinational chain stores such as Walmart, which now employs a new security force, Securitas (i.e. the SS) who harasses nonthreatening shoppers. We could grow our own food, shop local and trade and barter and there would not be a darn thing the super elite could do about it. Most Americans, because of the corporate controlled media are unaware of their options in this area. One caveat, if we ever let the FDA get control over all food as they are trying to presently accomplish, it will be game over. If this ever happens you will be living in the Ukraine, under Stalin, as he starved to death millions of Ukrainians who wanted freedom.
The Military
If the super elite have made serious miscalculations on the path towards establishing a New World Order, the handling of the American military is a prime example. Why do you think it was announced this week that America’s military is being downsized to a pre-World War II level. This is, no doubt, because the military cannot be trusted to do the bidding of the super elite.
For decades, our brave men and women in uniform have been used to fight banker wars of occupation. The exploitation of the service people is growing daily. An average of 22 veterans are committing suicide on a daily basis. The government is trying to disarm the veterans in anticipation of what is coming. Obama is trying to unseat the command structure of the military through the firing of over 260 senior command military officers. Obama is trying to gain total and absolute control over the nuclear arsenal, but has been unable to do so to date. Obama will never get total control over the military because they know what he stands for.
At the end of the day, our military will prove to be the shining beacon of freedom against the total imposition of tyranny on our soil spearheaded by foreign United Nations mercenaries. However, without the popular support of the people, any military insurgency is doomed to fail. If we fail to wakeup more American people, the military will prove to be an asset as worthless as the dollar will soon be. All mediums of value must have backing and the military is no different.
The Government
The NDAA, Executive Order 13603, the Patriot Act, NSA spying, the use of the election fixing electronic voting machines, force feeding us GMO’s, the murders of Michael Hastings and Andrew Breitbart, the completely controlled Democrats and Republicans by the forces of the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking cartel as well as the revealed existence of the new martial law Internment/Resettlement policies are all shining examples of the absolute police state that is being imposed in this country against the will of the people.
Some Americans still have a sense of resilience. When the controlled Democrats (e.g. Dianne Feinstein) and the Republicans (e.g. John McCain) continued America on the path of destroying our civil liberties, American started alternative political parties which preserve the voice of the people to some degree. Almost five years ago to the day, the Tea Party was born. In today’s environment, the Libertarians are being heard. I am not a big believer in the political process, given today’s environment. However, this is one avenue that can be used to galvanize the people. There is a movement within the federal government which threatens to take away the political voice of the people. If we lose this voice, we will lose the rallying point needed to support our military should they ever stand against the encroaching tyranny.
America, you need to pay close attention to this development. The IRS is trying to silence millions of Tea Partiers and third party candidates by destroying free speech rights. If these regulations are allowed to stand, Americans will be forever silenced.
Please keep in mind that the following regulations only apply to third parties, grassroots groups and the Tea Party. These regulations will make it illegal to:
1. Mention a candidate up for re-election within 60 days of an election. That includes every single member of the House of Representatives. Effectively, you will not be able to petition your own elected representatives.
2. The aforementioned groups will not be allowed to register voters. Does this put anyone else in the mind of the old Jim Crow laws which were designed to prevent the registration of African-Americans.
3. Call for the election or defeat of a political candidate. This will effectively eliminate all recall provisions in State Constitutions.
4. Hold candidate forums so voters can decide who would best represent them. In other words, primary election activities for third party candidates would be prohibited. This provision would cut the proverbial legs out from under any political party or movement.
The IRS is trying to silence millions of American voters. They’re trying to pass new regulations that will destroy our free speech rights and this constitutes a complete end run around Congress and ultimately the Constitution.
I am calling for a massive campaign to protest this IRS action. You may send your comments to the IRS at this link. The deadline to voice your opposition is Thursday, February 27, 2014.
Much of the tyranny being imposed on America can be opposed at an individual level. However, with each passing day, it will become more decidedly difficult to exercise personal freedom. It is time to take a stand and that stand should be in opposition to the de facto outlawing of third political parties which are outside the control of the super elite.