World War III Has Already Been Lost and the Chinese Are In the Process of Occupying Amerika (Part Two)
May 6, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff
By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network
In order to keep its head about water for just one more day, the Federal Reserve has now permitted Chinese-controlled banks to take stakes in US banks. This is a nefarious invasion of the U.S. economy. Subsequently, we have witnessed a major shift in the percentage of the U.S. debt owned by Chinese vs. the Federal Reserve. This is the beginning of the end for the dollar, the U.S. economy, your standard of living, your assets, your freedoms and for many of you, your very lives.
China Owns the Federal Reserve and Here’s How It Happened
At the end of January 2009, the month President Barack Obama was first inaugurated, Communist China owned $744.2 billion in U.S. government debt and the Fed owned $475.129 billion. In May of 2012, the Federal Reserve has approved applications by three big Chinese government-controlled banks to set up branches and take stakes in US banks after deciding they were adequately regulated in their home market.
The Chinese ownership of U.S. debt, compared to the Federal Reserve, appears to be unchanged in 2014. However, the Chinese are slowly but surely acquiring the Federal Reserve and thus, are acquiring a greater amount of U.S. government debt. Therefore, much of the debt owned by the Federal Reserve, is now owned by the Chinese and their new partners consisting of two large Spanish banks, a German bank and the Chinese. The complete Chinese takeover of our economy is silent but undeniably insidious. It would be appropriate to think of this development as the United States government doing a debt consolidation of all its treasury bonds because it can no longer pay or service the debt and the Chinese and their partners are acquiring the assets of America for pennies on the dollar. It will soon be announced that China is in the process of purchasing major Western banks (e.g. Bank of America, Wells Fargo) and physical assets. These banks make up the majority owners of the Federal Reserve. By purchasing these banks as distressed properties, the Chinese, will in effect, have purchased the Federal Reserve because these banks own the Federal Reserve. For the naysayers that will write to me and say there is no way that this will ever take place, I will respond by telling you that you are a day late and a “distressed dollar” short with your anxiety over the future of the American economy.
Late last year, China purchased the JP Morgan building in Manhattan for $725 million. This was a symbolic move like planting the U.S. flag on top of Iwo Jima’s Mount Surabachi during the famous WW II battle. This signified that the Chinese have laid claim to all assets in the United States. One might reason that the Chinese have in fact purchased all of JP Morgan. When this happens in earnest, it will come in the midst of a dollar devaluation and we are only months away from this happening.
The Death of Our Asset Holdings
The Chinese yuan, also known as the renmimbi, is China’s national currency. The yuan has an important role in keeping China’s economy competitive. China keeps the yuan pegged to a basket of currencies, most notably the U.S. dollar. The yuan is worth a little more than fifteen cents.
This is all about to change. China has the ability to sell its Treasury holdings, putting the value of the U.S. dollar into free fall. However, it’s not in China’s best interests to do so. By threatening to sell U.S. Treasuries, China would quickly devalue its own holdings. Even so, it’s been unwise for the U.S. to allow itself to become so indebted to any other country. However, the Chinese now have partners who are willing to purchase U.S. treasuries and shoulder the burden of owning most of the U.S. debt which will result in the total collapse of the US economy. These large investors are busy purchasing the Federal Reserve through the back door. For example, the Spanish Bank, Banco, is purchasing Citigroup in Spain according to the Wall Street Journal. The buyoff of the major investors in the Federal Reserve is well underway. China, and their BRICS country allies, and a consortium of international interests (e.g. the previously identified Spanish and German banks), will through the I.M.F., manage the U.S. debt through exchange rate increases and trade tariffs.
Dr. Jim Garrow announced on my show that a devaluation is near as the dollar will soon be valued on a 6 to 1 ratio in favor of the Chinese renmimbi. Let’s talk about the ramifications of this event. If you own a mortgage on your home for $150,000, you now owe the Chinese interests controlling your bank, who holds your mortgage note, $900,000 dollars. If you owe the bank $20,000 for your automobile, following the 2014 dollar devaluation, you now owe $120,000. Your grocery bill for your family just went up by a factor of six. What about your retirement and social security? What retirement and social security? Long before most of you will be able to collect, your retirement will collateralized against the debt. The same is true for your 401K and your saving account holdings. It would be wise to spend your money now on elements of survival that you will need.
There is also an important aspect that nobody is talking about. When the Chinese come to claim your home, your car and your retirement, what legal recourse will you have? The answer is you will have no due process rights because your economic situation will be adjudicated in accordance with Chinese law. Under Chinese law, you will truly have the right to remain silent. When one considers the net effect of this Chinese takeover of the Federal Reserve, it is not far-fetched to postulate that Americans will actually be starving to death.
It is completely understandable that Americans will be fleeing the country. However, the Chinese will no doubt put controls in place that may allow you to leave, but your assets will stay inside the country.
The Bigger Picture
Elements, not the entire government, have sold our country out. Reid, Feinstein, Clinton, Pelosi and of course, Obama, have committed treason against the United States by participating in this planned demise. Yes, the planned demise is in full view.
The Bundy Affair is the most significant event in present day America. It exposes the fact that the Chinese will soon control our new solar based energy delivery systems through the Solar Energy Zones. These Solar Energy Zones lie on top of an estimated $228 trillion dollars of underground mineral assets. They also lie adjacent to major military installations and international corridor of interstate highways which will all soon be controlled by the Chinese.
Please note that all the rising economies of the world are tying their currencies to gold as Dr. Garrow astutely pointed out on my show. The United States is not one of these countries. He is correct as the China and India have been trading in gold, as opposed to the dollar, for several years. The present set of events represents the fulfillment of our demise which has been planned by the global elite for quite some time. If there is a silver lining, America will soon shed much of its sheep’s wool and America will fight. Hence, the real reason behind Obama’s push for gun confiscation and the fact that John Kerry signed the UN gun ban treaty last year. Now that you know that the Chinese own the very clothes on your back, it is time to take a look at how the Chinese will soon be exerting complete dictatorial control over the United States.
To date, we have largely been conquered by stealth. Soon, the specter of Chinese and Russian troops along with their DHS allies will be opposing Americans in the streets. This will be the topic of Part Three.