Climate Activists: Create Tax Policies To Discourage Childbirth

  Source: Climate worshipers have attacked the cattle industry with a vengeance because cattle cause global warming. Now, they are attacking human childbirth with the same zeal, saying that
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Charter Schools Strategists: Brookings, Manhattan, AECF, Cato

via: email Very important pre-2000 research on tax-exempt foundation support for charter schools.  This report was put together prior to “activist” Heritage Foundation, Heartland, and other neoconservative involvement/support for tax-funded
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Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

Telegraph | Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent | 1:38PM GMT 29 Feb 2012 Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is
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TNR docsplains Planned Parenthood organ harvesting: Fetus parts are nothing but “products”

“If they were ever honest about the humanity they’re crushing, crunching, grinding, and dissecting, they’d be monsters. They’d be psychopaths. But they’re not psychopaths. They’re stable, normal human beings. To
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Nancy Pelosi: Planned Parenthood Body Part Trafficking Is a “Controversy That Doesn’t Exist”

For those who thought that the murderers and their supporters would take this lying down—you are either naive or crazy.  There is one thing that leftists have always been known
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Vatican speaker and California Governor in push for massive depopulation… talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’

“Schellnhunber, in other words, believes a new world government can create “freedom” for humanity by dictating to it with a new Planetary Court guided by an Earth Constitution which will
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Eugenics: alive and well in the USA

The California State Auditor recently found that female inmates in California’s prison system were being sterilized without consent, often with coercion. The audit found that women who had already had
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