The 2014 Ebola Report: The Evidence and Timeline
October 16, 2014 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Truth Sector News
The 2014 Ebola Outbreak is a PROVEN FRAUD, Here is the Evidence
Report Shortlink:
“Those victims who believed that only medicine from the west could save them, mostly died. Those who lived, would not have done so without simple H2O combined with the rehydration solution.” – Financial Times, October 13, 2014
UPDATE 31. Oct. 15, 2014
Ebola Fraud 2014: The U.S. Executive Order 13295 and Project BioShield
UPDATE 30. Oct. 13, 2014
Although it is not a shocking or surprising fact when you are aware of the true nature of the Israeli government and its most powerful lobby abroad (the Israel lobby 1, 2) the following ebola-related information should not be taken lightly at all because it is part of the global reprogramming of minds and rewriting of “knowledge,” while advancing to the “new world.”
Also the Israeli Homeland Security can from now on be blamed and held accountable for deliberate information distortion in the globalists their ebola death campaign for it is the IHLS itself that is assisting, if not leading, in the redefining of ebola symptoms and the causes of alleged ebola deaths.
- IHLS, Ebola: Mapping the Outbreak: “In March, hospital staff alerted Guinea’s Ministry of Health and then the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). They reported a mysterious disease in the south-eastern regions of Gueckedou, Macenta, Nzerekore, and Kissidougou. It caused fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. It also had a high death rate. Of the first 86 cases, 59 people died. The WHO later confirmed the disease as Ebola.”
- IHLS, Ebola: The New Epidemic That is a Global Menace: “The symptoms of this disease are high fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Unfortunately, in the absence of any viable cure, the death rate currently stands at 90%.”
Israel’s Homeland Security is one of the leading powers when it comes to intelligence and military and medical knowledge. It can therefore accurately be called deliberate deception when we witness this sixth eye’s assistance or leading role in redefining the ebola symptoms globally. No bleeding at all is mentioned even once by the IHLS although it is the bleeding that is the most typical and deadly symptom of all when it concerns ebola.
On the other hand, I also look forward to the IHLS their take on the fact that the BBC confirmed 3 times that there were/are no ebola cases in the very epicenter (the first epicenter) of the alleged outbreak in 2014.
Or, one may rightfully ask: Are we really dealing with ebola here?
UPDATE 29. Oct. 13, 2014
News24: “Reports of Ebola Conspiracy are Worrying”
UPDATE 28. Oct. 13, 2014
Yahoo’s Ebola Tweet Is a Lie Designed to Promote Fear-Based Acceptance of the Ebola Vaccine
UPDATE 27. Oct. 12, 2014
UPDATE 26. Oct. 11, 2014
EbolaFraud 2014: Forced Ebola Vaccines for “the Entire Country” Through Project BioShield and BARDA
UPDATE 25. Oct. 10, 2014
Connecticut Declared in State of ‘Public Health Emergency,’ Prepares for Quarantine
“Governor Dannel Malloy has declared Connecticut to be in a state of public health emergency, enabling the indefinite suspension of certain civil rights. State bureaucrats have been granted the broad authority to forcibly detain suspected sick people without due process. The declaration came preemptively, as Connecticut has not yet seen a single case of the virus it purports to stop.”
“[While] the emergency exists [the state] may do any of the following: … (3) order the commissioner to vaccinate persons in accordance with section 19a-131e …”
UPDATE 24. Oct. 6, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: Africa Has FAR MORE Cell Phones Than North America, WHY NO EBOLA PHOTOS THEN?
UPDATE 23. Oct. 5, 2014
Jim Stone: “Poor Ebola Eric is a DESPICABLE FRAUD“
UPDATE 22. Oct. 4, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: Damage Control and Government Censoring at Golden State FIRE EMS?
UPDATE 21. Oct. 3, 2014
Golden State FIRE EMS, a private US contractor of wildfire & EMS support solutions for industrial/commercial and government clients, reported [1, 2] via Twitter:
- “There is speculation that this #DallasEbola case is not Ebola. DART teams were told months ago they would be activated in October.”
- “Could this #DallasEbola case be a #FalseFlag? Is this a precursor to #martiallaw?”
True or not – I have no time to investigate Golden State FIRE EMS – this information is valuable enough to be included in the Truth Sector ebola report for now. You never know under which circumstances this data can serve as a reference in the future.
UPDATE 20. Oct. 3, 2014
EbolaGate, US Patient Zero: The Texas Ebola Deception
UPDATE 19. Oct. 1, 2014
News24: “Sierra Leone crowds mistakenly celebrate ‘end of Ebola’“
I find this news article too strange to ignore. It has so far not passed my sniff test and therefore I will include it as an update in the Truth Sector ebola report. I will give notice should the status of this update change at any time.
- Witnesses reported crowds surging into the streets of the northern commercial hub of Makeni, chanting “Ebola is no more” and “Ebola has been defeated. Locals said celebrations began late on Monday when a group of suspected Ebola victims were released from a holding centre with negative lab test results. This was misinterpreted to mean that the township was totally free from Ebola and the news, which spread like wildfire, sent hundreds into the streets to celebrate. … Riot police dispersed the crowds and slapped a dusk-till-dawn curfew on residents. … It was a false alarm by some people with ill intentions,” said local police spokesperson Ibrahim Samura told AFP. … Witnesses said similar scenes of celebration unfolded in the northwestern town of Port Loko, the capital of a district of the same name which is also quarantined.”
There were simultaneous celebrations occurring in Makeni and Port Loko, Sierra Leone. The problem that I have with this news report is that the two places are 100 km apart. This is too far to be regarded as a neighboring town and if the transportation and the roads in Sierra Leone are somewhat the same as here in the Philippines then it would take you about three hours to cover that distance by bus. Therefore, the only possible explanation for the simultaneous celebrations would be the spreading of the news through (mobile) phones and online. That would in turn again prove that the population in Sierra Leone is capable to communicate through the internet and mobile phones, infrastructure that would certainly be used to also upload and spread photos of ebola patients and their symptoms – photos we have not seen in more than 6 months.
Whether this is just another sign of the locals being suppressed and having a foreign scam further pushed upon them I’m not sure yet but once again the western media’s silence in this matter speaks volumes to me.
UPDATE 18. Oct. 1, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: “Ebola Stocks,” US Patient Zero, International Emergency Measures and the Statistics
UPDATE 17. Sept. 30, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: Establishment Launches New Propaganda Platform, “Ebola Deeply”
UPDATE 16. Sept. 30, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: More Great Examples of Exposed Ebola Propaganda
UPDATE 15. Sept. 28, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: “Loose Ends” & Aerosol Transmission
UPDATE 14. Sept. 27, 2014
About the 75% of the patients being women… (update #6)
It has been mentioned a few times now in private communications with me that something is not right about that percentage, even when considering the official narrative about it that women wash the dead bodies.
I might as well just say and write it openly here just as some people, including myself, deem it to be more than possible that women in the affected countries of the fraudulent ebola outbreak are being targeted in order to negatively alter and influence the birth rate and reproduction ability in Africa, starting in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. That is what several knowledgeable persons keep in mind to be possibly the case and the most reasonable explanation for the 75% of patients being women.
And it is not just internet investigators and freelance journalists who find it remarkable and strange that so many women are dying there from whatever they have contracted, lab-created or not.
For example, Frieda Schmidt brings up this most appropriate question and she’s not a conspiracy nutcase:
Her question was in response to these pictures – 1, 2 – posted on Facebook by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia. On that same FB page we also find another valuable post describing what ebola is.
- “What is Ebola?It is Bloody: Ebola is what scientists call a hemorrhagic fever – it operates by making its victims bleed from almost anywhere on their body. Usually, victims bleed to death from Ebola.”
That comes from the Liberian government and is a solid debunking of the World Health Organization and NBC News their report in which they claim that the bleeding is merely a tale (update #8). This proves beyond all doubts that the WHO – the United Nations – is attempting to rewrite and to reprogram the medical literature and what people know about the ebola virus. This is by itself a strong indicator that indeed we should be very concerned that 75% of the victims are women. It also further indicates that all the governments and the UN are lying about the whole outbreak.
Yes, there were/are likely some cases of ebola or cases that look very similar and these continue to justify the entire scam. I have written this several times by now but I’ll repeat it again here for the deniers who still seem to be completely convinced that their government and the UN thugs would never sell us any lies.
UPDATE 13. Sept. 27, 2014
- SIM, September 15, 2014: “Last week there were about 50 patients in the ELWA 2 Ebola Management Center. Praise God that 19 patients were cured and released within a two-day period!”
Alleged ebola patients who are cured and released in 2 days DON’T HAVE EBOLA! Obviously there is something else going on and/or making people sick, if at all, that must be kept secret.
Given the alleged circumstances that hospitals and treatment centers in West Africa are overwhelmed by the number of patients they are allegedly receiving it would likely take 2 days just to come up with the lab results alone that could confirm whether or not a patient has contracted ebola. Let alone that these people would be cured in that same time frame. How will you cure someone when you don’t even know what he/she is suffering from?
But then again, they are throwing up to 83% of the dead bodies in graves without providing an official cause of death.
So my demand in this specific matter is not only give us some real pictures of actual ebola cases and patients – in order to document and archive those as evidence and references for medical staff and literature in the future – but also provide the authentic lab results to the international community, the real results. Not the ones that have been tampered with or have been fabricated.
UPDATE 12. Sept. 26, 2014
UPDATE 11. Sept. 26, 2014
EbolaGate 2014: “Project BioShield” and the Fraudulent Ebola Outbreak
And that ladies and gentlemen is what this fraudulent ebola outbreak is largely about: the “Project BioShield” cookie jar.
UPDATE 10. Sept. 26, 2014
“EbolaGate 2014: E-mails from and Communications with Locals Confirm the Fraud Time and Again“
I have been receiving several e-mails by now from people who either live in the region of the ebola scam outbreak in Africa or who have relatives living there and they ALL state the same. There’s no one that can even confirm a single case of ebola. Today I will publish the most recent e-mail that I have received so far. Names and addresses have been redacted.
UPDATE 9. Sept. 25, 2014
If this latest CNN fail [copy 1, copy 2] is the level of reporting that people really fall for and perceive as real or factual then I swear I will stop investigating this 2014 ebola scam. First we see this likely drunk or doped up man falling out of an ambulance and then we have a kid willingly laying on the floor, all this is being reported by CNN as “inside Liberia’s ebola crisis.”
Luckily the comments under the video are hopeful.
UPDATE 8. Sept. 24, 2014
When Orwell meets Ebola…
A September 22 NBC News article, “Ebola Death Rate 70 Percent, WHO Says in Dire New Forecast,” written by National Immunization Program award winner Maggie Fox needs a good debunking attack!
Among other signs of attempting to reprogram what people know about ebola the World Health Organization and NBC News together report in that trashy piece:
- “Forget about the tales of horrific bleeding from the eyes nose and mouth. Bleeding is one of the most unusual symptoms, the team of experts from around the world said. … The most common first symptoms are fever and fatigue. Hemorrhage — the most feared symptom — is seen in fewer than 5 percent of patients, although about 18 percent had unexplained bleeding, the WHO team said. … Ebola has an incubation period of 11 days.”
My god! They first make you believe that bleeding – hemorrhage – during an ebola infection is a tale that only comes true in about 5% of the ebola patients, immediately followed – in the very same sentence – by the admission that 18% of the alleged ebola patients actually suffered from hemorrhage. If this is not scripting-gone-mad then I don’t know what is.
Another part of the WHO and NBC News their joint Orwell strategy is the fact that according to them the incubation period for ebola is 11 days. What ever happened to 2 to 21 days?
Clearly this NBC News piece by health amateur Maggie Fox is a damage control move to explain away the lack of photographic evidence in this outbreak that normally should be documenting in a mainstream way at least a few cases of actual ebola including the bleeding, aside from laying the track for easily allowing to attribute as many deaths as possible to ebola by rewriting what the symptoms are. This ties in perfectly with update #6 of this ebola scam report.
UPDATE 7. Sept. 24, 2014
I’m starting to feel to have been Sandy Hooked in this 2014 ebola fraud and so should many other people.
As more and more details emerge and more and more lies are being exposed regarding the 2014 ebola fraud this next one is likely one of the most damning pieces of the puzzle so far.
Initial investigations are revealing that the Kent Brantly episode of the 2014 ebola fraud campaign is NOT what it appears to be.
The flight that allegedly picked up Kent Brantly never arrived in Liberia or anywhere else in Africa on the dates as published and advertised by the media. That flight, KVPC – LPLA / TER, with airplane N173PA – a Gulfstream 3 (twin-jet) operated by Phoenix Air – departed at Cartersville on Thursday July 31, 2014, as stated by several media outlets [1, 2]. It flew for 2 hours and 14 minutes that day, only to turn around half way down the flight, and headed back to where it departed in Cartersville.
There are those who claim that the flight had been rescheduled and renamed that day and was now flight PHA333 Gray Bird. That is of course an easily proven lie because PHA333 Gray Bird was a 44-minute flight on Tuesday August 5, 2014.
Still, there is another way to document that the Kent Brantly episode of the 2014 ebola fraud is on par with Sandy Hook’s Robbie Parker.
On July 22, 2014, Kent Brantly “woke up feeling feverish. … A rapid field blood test confirmed the infection in both of them after they had become ill with fever, vomiting and diarrhea,” wrote CNN.
Thus, Brantly had allegedly been struck by ebola on Tuesday July 22, 2014. Also according to CNN “Brantly didn’t receive [the ZMapp cure] until he’d been sick for nine days.”
Nine days would be on either July 30 or July 31 depending on one’s perspective on the time frame. That would be impossible since the Phoenix Air flight only took off on July 31, allegedly. At that time Brantly was still supposed to be in Africa waiting for that flight.
Here’s how alleged ebola patients Brantly and Writebol arrived at the hospital in the USA, a country with the most attention for security and with the biggest Big Brother complex in the world.
None of the two, Brantly and Writebol, are being transported in the proper manner, as should be expected in the world’s most intense police state. Makes you question how much of the Writebol story is real.
In contrast but in a very funny way, here we have the first yet imaginary Spanish ebola patient being transported, although the stretcher is empty the scene certainly looks more convincing. Still, it is also a failed propaganda stunt.
Imaginary Spanish patient Leaving the airport…
Imaginary Spanish patient arriving at the hospital… with the same empty stretcher…
Video link for the Spanish patient’s arrival
Do I believe this is the false flag that an ex CIA operative talked about recently? Well, it certainly has all the features of one.
Thanks to Tigerwolfe for contributing to this damning update #7.
(Some people are writing me and claim that Brantly got his ZMapp in Africa. Really, says who? Fox News or the US government? Yeah, and Michael Jackson was born in Beijing.)
UPDATE 6. Sept. 24, 2014
“In Liberia, up to 75 percent of those killed by Ebola have been women.” – Voice of America
I have problem with this percentage and the official explanation for it. Here is why:
Admitted, nurses and people who wash the dead bodies are likely to include more women than men, which could account for a somewhat higher number of ebola-related deaths. I shall not argue about that because that same Voice of America article also reads “women and girls account for more than 55 percent of reported Ebola cases in affected countries.”
However, the fact that Liberia specifically is singled out by VOA as the African nation that has a 75% rate of women dying from ebola is still suspicious and makes me wonder what they are truly dying from because it is not just in Liberia that there would be a chance that more women are nurses and wash dead bodies, that would also be the case for Guinea and Sierra Leone, and when these women go home after completing their jobs for the day they’ll be easily infecting their family (husband, daughters and sons) at home in the event that the mother got infected at her job.
Up to 83% of the people who are being brought to the cemetery are not being given an official cause of death, yet are being buried along with the alleged ebola victims and are included in the ebola-related statistics, as having died from ebola just because there were ebola-like symptoms. Now, we all know that quite a few other diseases, be they lab-created or not, will cause ebola-like symptoms which is why medics and doctors need a lab test for confirmation in order to exclude possible other diseases.
- In Sierra Leone… “At another six households on the cemetery supervisor’s list of the dead, residents gave similar accounts. One family said the victim had definitely died of Ebola, while five others described Ebola-like symptoms — vomiting, diarrhea, fever — though none had been given an official cause of death.” New York Times
So, what did this 83% actually die from? What did the 75% of women in Liberia die from? Those are VERY important questions that will likely go unanswered for ever. Any death in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea (or anywhere else) can be and is being attributed to ebola now just because of possible symptoms – whether or not ebola-related at all – just to ramp up the statistics of the United Nations their campaign of death in Africa.
UPDATE 5. Sept. 23, 2014
Ebola and by the US-enforced regime change in Africa…
I am still looking at the ebola outbreak from all the possible angles and one thing that has been consuming quite some time is to document how the corporate US establishment will be profiting and how they are trying to reach their goals during this “ebola crisis” that was created on purpose and as one should know by now the Globalists inc. NEVER let a crisis go to waste. And so it is the case in Liberia.
As I came across the Press Union of Liberia’s “Letter to Justice Minister,” dated September 4 (2014), in search for more clues and evidence that we are not getting the truth about what is really going on in Africa, the following sentence caught my attention and prompted me to dig a little further:
- “The Press Union of Liberia’s attention is specifically drawn to several circumstances that do not only restrain journalists in their obligation to seek out and share useful news and information with the public, but significantly threaten even media participation in the global fight against ebola.”
So what this means is that the press in Liberia, and therefore also in the other African nations who are wrapped in the ebola scam, is being forced in several ways to not dig too deep for the truth about the ebola outbreak in Africa.
AND there is a deceptive yet revealing twist to this fact…
A lot of digging in this matter is not needed at all because one swift look at the “about” page of the Press Union of Liberia’s website (PUL) will give you the next sentence that spills the beans, at least from my perspective:
- “The U.S.-based National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the lone funder of the activities of the Union. The NED provides an annual grant (that has progressively moved to US$40,220) for the operation and activities of the PUL.”
So there you have it, just as I wrote earlier in a previous post. The ebola fraud and scripted campaign of death is certainly and has been proven to be also about regime change or the further and total hostile takeover of Africa.
- The NED regularly provides funding to opposition candidates in elections in countries other than the USA. And according to Allen Weinstein, one of the founders of NED a lot of what [NED does] today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA. The NED has principally supported candidates with strong ties to the military and (crucially) who support the rights of US corporations to invest in those countries with minimal restriction. The NED has not supported candidates who oppose investments by US corporations or who promise restrictions on investment rights of US corporations.
Oh but wait there’s another unfortunately funny need-to-know tidbit for today’s ebola update that I somehow overlooked. It just confirms once again that the ebola scriptwriters can’t keep up with their own mess. Here’s UPI’s title for the article that I linked to in this report earlier regarding the Daily Mail Fail.
“Citizens of Ebola“…
Give me a break. This ebola fraud is becoming too ludicrous to investigate or even mention.
UPDATE 4. Sept. 22, 2014
The following photo published at The Telegraph on September 20, 2014, further supports the claims that have been made by me in this report about the Daily Mail and the UPI their failed attempts to keep up with the scripted ebola outbreak.
Read the captions under the photos:
The Telegraph…
Daily Mail Fail…
UPDATE 3. Sept. 22, 2014
The reports about Nigeria declaring the nation ebola-free are scarce and should for now be approached with a certain level of skepticism. However, the near-silence in the mainstream media pretty much speaks for itself.
The fact that this is not front page news and only a very few foreign/western news outlets want to report about this rather positive development means only one thing. DON’T BURST THE EBOLA BUBBLE!
Whether or not it is for not playing ball anymore, the World Bank is not providing any cash to Nigeria in the alleged ebola outbreak, which is a good thing. In this way Nigeria will have less toxic loans hanging around its neck.
UPDATE 2. Sept. 22, 2014
It’s all about the money, the entire ebola frenzy and fraud!
Take in account the following from CNN. On July 30, 2014, “the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an arm of the military responsible for any chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive threats, allotted additional funding to MAPP Biopharmaceutical due to promising results.”
July 30 would be the very same day that Kent Brantly received his miracle cure ZMapp. ZMapp as in… MAPP Biopharmaceuticals.
Now, the official reports about Brantly are that he was near death, due to his ebola infection. What this means is that in such a stage one would most likely be seriously bleeding and would likely not make it anyway in the event that Brantly had ebola at all. He likely contracted another lab-created illnesss. Therefore the establishment reports about Brantly instantly recovering or feeling better within hours after getting his ZMapp cure is total and complete baloney. Any real medic or doctor will confirm this. Even Forbes has written about that.
About a week later, after the amazing ZMapp magic, on August 7 Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation announced that “the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has verbally confirmed they have modified the full clinical hold placed on the TKM-Ebola Investigational New Drug Application (IND) to a partial clinical hold. This action enables the potential use of TKM-Ebola in individuals infected with Ebola virus.”
As the US FDA approved the use of TKM Ebola the United Nations was having a meeting on August 6 and 7 and was about that meeting to announce, on August 8, that the alleged ebola outbreak was from now on an international health crisis. That would now be the ultimate safeguard that will allow any and all experiments on any real or suspected ebola patient anywhere in the world, completely free from any possible criminal charges if anyone dies or gets permanent health implications. As confirmed in this Dutch medical article and interview dated August 14, 2014.
Tekmira’s stock price “is up 147 percent since the beginning of 2014 and experienced a 62 percent spike between March 3 and March 11, when the outbreak first began. … Meanwhile, NewLink is an Ames, Iowa-based firm that has seen its stock price jump 34 percent in the past four weeks. Most of its products in development are meant to treat cancer, but earlier in August, a company subsidiary, BioProtection Systems Corporate, announced a $1 million contract with the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for research on an Ebola vaccine.”
All coincidence, right?
So ask yourself. Who will be profiting the most from the multi-billion-dollar transfers in this fraudulent ebola outbreak? It certainly will not be the African healthcare system nor the patients it serves nor the African environment that has been polluted by big pharma and other multinational corporations.
Also read this at Zero Hedge, “The Ebola Epidemic Silver-Lining: IMF Bailouts For Everyone.”
UPDATE 1. Sept. 21, 2014
People who doubt or even deny until they drop that the 2014 ebola outbreak is being manufactured/scripted along the way as they, the UN, see it necessary in order to keep the world population fooled enough and the pockets and private bank account of Ban ki Moon filled royally enough, answer this question.
If the death rate for ebola is about 50-90% and if there is no cure for ebola then how is it possible that 75% of the alleged patients in the FIRST epicenter, in Guinea, of the outbreak have recovered (Bloomberg, July 29, 2014)?
The fact that 75% of the alleged patients have recovered without a known cure – since officially there is none – should be big news, yet that fact(oid) has died a swift death. WHY?
That FIRST epicenter would be the same as the one that the BBC reported about in August 2014 as having remained free of ebola, miraculously.
Why and how did the United Nations switch the FIRST epicentre – from Gueckedou, Guinea – to Sierra Leone’s northeastern district of Kailahun, the SECOND and new epicenter?
Who ordered that the hype and lies surrounding the 2014 ebola outbreak and ebola in general had to go on, no matter what? Who is collecting the multimillion-dollar checks for this? Or is it just about the total takeover of Africa?
September 20, 2014
For those people who have been sleeping since March 2014, take notes and pay attention because I am literally sick and tired of repeating in vain that THE 2014 EBOLA OUTBREAK IS A PROVEN FRAUD.
Let me repeat that one more time: THE 2014 EBOLA OUTBREAK IS A PROVEN FRAUD!
First of all, there is no ebola in the very epicenter of the fraudulent outbreak. Do most people on this planet even understand what that means?
So the jive about natural cases of ebola in Guinea is a fabricated narrative to get you conditioned and afraid enough to accept enforced vaccinations.
Moving on to the next pieces of evidence that prove that this ebola outbreak is A FRAUD on par with the man made global warming scam and the false war on terror, which are all as fake as the three latest ISIS beheadings videos.
Just pay attention for a while and stop watching those reruns of Oprah, Big Brother and Idol.
The official and mainstream reporting about 8 health representatives that were killed in Guinea on Tuesday – of which 3 UN World Health Organization reps had their throat slit, in the area of the EBOLA-FREE epicenter of the fraudulent 2014 outbreak, has all references to the presence of WHO representatives scrubbed from the online news articles and reports. What this means is just as clear and easy to understand as the words THERE ARE NO EBOLA CASES IN THE EPICENTER OF THE OUTBREAK.
The fact that the United Nations wants all references to the WHO representatives in the Guinea delegation scrubbed from the web means that the UN does not want a true investigation there into what happened in Nzerekore, Guinea, where the 8 dead bodies were found in the septic tank of a town. Admitting that UN people were part of the delegation would require the UN itself to actually investigate the murder cases but the United Nations do not want any real investigations going on in the EBOLA-FREE epicenter of the fraudulent 2014 outbreak because the truth would be exposed and that would mean the END of this FAKED and HYPED UP ebola outbreak. It would also mean the end of dubious money transfers into the pockets and private bank accounts of big pharma like GSK, Ban ki Moon and his goon squads at the UN and the WHO.
Moving on to the next pieces of evidence… DAILY MAIL FAIL.
The pictorial of this article in the Daily Mail proves that they can not even keep up with the debunking of their official ebola narrative.
Monrovia is NOT located in Sierra Leone, it is located in Liberia. So is the JFK Medical Center but according to the Mail Online, and everyone who has blindly copy-pasted this – and that are a lot of people and other news websites, both places are in Sierra Leone. What a fail. How desperate are they, one must ask?
Think that is all in this Daily Mail Fail? Not so…
Or how about this one. UPI, United Press International since 1907. Also according to UPI Monrovia is located in Sierra Leone…
My goodness people!
The fake character and the lies of this 2014 ebola scam are right in your faces staring at you all, over and over again, yet most of the folks out there around the world still believe the entire world is endangered by an ebola outbreak in Africa.
Let me recap just one last time so you cannot miss what has been written here today.
- There are no ebola cases in the epicenter of the fabricated outbreak. This was admitted by the BBC, two times. This means that no one had ebola in the very area where the fake outbreak started.
- Monrovia is not located in Sierra Leone. Neither is the JFK Medical Center. They are both located in Liberia. Yet Daily Mail, UPI, RFI and several others will make you believe they are located in Sierra Leone.
- The UN World Health Organization is scrubbing all references to their representatives who had their throats slit in Guinea in the very area of the fabled epicenter of the outbreak. Scrubbed because if not then it would require the United Nations to launch a real investigation into the murders. That would reveal eventually that the UN and WHO have been spinning lies all along about the 2014 ebola outbreak. Yes, for the money yes!
All I can do is point out the already obvious. Those who do not want to accept the fact that they have been lied to BIG TIME about the fabled ebola outbreak of this year, well, there is little hope left for those people then. They will literally believe it when one day the New York Times will tell them that Mars is going to collapse in their back yards.
So be sure to spread this report with everyone you know. That is the least we can do together to stop this madness from continuing any longer.