Where are they getting all these folks from?

Source: Mail Online Author Naomi Wolf is condemned for suggesting ISIS hostages are ACTORS and be-headings aren’t real Writer, 51, posted a number of Facebook messages questioning footage Asked if
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Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers

Source: Jon Rappaport Ebolagate: 47 questions and answers by Jon Rappoport October 3, 2014 NoMoreFakeNews.com I have presented this information, in depth, in other recent articles. Here I present the
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Who created Ebola? The usual suspects.

Source: Dr. Rima Truth Reports Dr. Rima’s Comments at Liberian Obsserver.com . Consider this before you dismiss Dr. Broderick’s article: “Ebola, AIDS Manufactured By Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?”*. . First,
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The Gates of Hell Have Opened and the US Is Being Attacked and Occupied

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Events are coming to light faster than most can report them. To many, the events discussed in this column over the last two to
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The US Military Is Playing the Nuclear Blackmail Card Against UN Occupation Forces

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Bravo Sierra is a term which can be best applied to the report that the “organic” United States is going to rise up and
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By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network On June 30, 2014, I interviewed Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
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Pandemics Are Entering the US Through the Southern Border

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network America is facing a health crisis of unparalleled proportions. We could be weeks away from an outbreak of several pandemics on our southern border
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