The Gates of Hell Have Opened and the US Is Being Attacked and Occupied
July 8, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff
By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network
Events are coming to light faster than most can report them. To many, the events discussed in this column over the last two to three weeks appear to be a series of unrelated events. To others, we recognize these events for what they are: The gates of hell are open and there will soon be hell on earth.
The next two articles in this series represents both a qualitative and quantitative meta analysis of several events which demonstrates a distinct, unmistakable and disturbing pattern which will culminate in a health crisis of an unparalleled magnitude and the loss of civil liberties as well as national sovereignty. Many people will lose their lives in the upcoming events.
In the last two parts of parts of this series, I will connect the dots from previous reports, as well as introduce new evidence which serves to support previous documented evidence as well as new evidence of the following:
1. The United States is being overrun by illegal immigrants from Central and South America as well as West Africa and the Caribbean.
2. These immigrants are not being health screened for Ebola, Dengue Fever, drug resistant TB et al.
3. These immigrants are being transported, at taxpayers’ expense to nearly every metropolitan and mid-sized community in the United States. This constitutes an invasion with a lot of risk factors and unknown variables.
4. The Border Patrol and detention facility medical personnel are being threatened with prison if they reveal just how bad the unfolding crisis is.
5. The United Nations is in the process of prepositioning military assets on American soil and there is no hiding the evidence.
6. An inevitable health crisis will ensue and the UN “Peacekeepers” will be rolled out to “save the day.” In actuality, they will become an occupation force as has been the case in the past crises.
I would have preferred to write the summation in one part, but the material is too voluminous. In tomorrow’s report, the following shocking events and evidence will be revealed:
1. The US military and many of its disaffected senior leadership have actively and passively resisted Obama’s handing off of the country to UN interests. In tomorrow’s article, for the first time, a link between the events in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Benghazi will be established between these crises and what is happening on the domestic front in America.
2. Through the newest contributor to The Common Sense Show, Alana Cook, a former World Net Daily writer and high level defense contractor, has discovered a memo which clearly speaks to the fact that the government knows a pandemic is coming and they have already prepared and budgeted for their reaction. Please note the word “reaction” and not “prevention”.
3. I have come across an 1100 page Senate Subcommittee report, never reported on in the mainstream media, which connects most of the dots listed in this chain.
$. Annie DeRiso, the News Director of The Common Sense Show, previously uncovered evidence which demonstrated that the federal government’s planning for mass casualties has been in the works for at least 5 years.
4. The link between FEMA camps and related personnel will also be exposed.
In this article, and listed below. are a series of previously reported dots, along side of new information, when connected, form an unmistakable pattern which spells an attack and subsequent subjugation of this country.
The Presence of UN Vehicles On American Soil
Since late May, the country has been besieged with reports, pictures and videos of UN vehicles in our country. FOX 5, San Diego, ran a report on Sunday morning, July 6th, in the early morning hours, which detailed sightings of UN vehicles being transported north of San Diego on Interstate 15 headed towards Riverside. The story said that the vehicles were manufactured in the United States and were being transported for shipment overseas. Really? Does this explain why these vehicles are being transported in SEVERAL southern states. Does the manufacturer have a automotive plant in Georgia, California, Texas, etc? Why don’t we see these reports in Detroit?
The FOX 5 website contains neither a video or a written report of the story. I suspect the story was a trial balloon used to gauge the believability and response to the story without leaving behind much in the way of evidence.
In every case, the vehicles are being transported and not being individually driven. This clearly suggests the prepositioning of military assets for future use.
The references for this first part of this invasion can be found here and here.
The Exponentially Increased Risk of a Pandemic Let Loose On America
Another San Diego Fox 5 story which ran on July 7th, did leave a traceable trail and clearly showed a steady stream of immigrants being landed at Lindbergh Field. The video can be seen here. In the interview, the local head of the San Diego Area Border Patrol, Gabe Pacheco, is interviewed and he stated that his group is highly concerned that immigrants are not being properly processed, exposing the Border Patrol to health risks such as scabies. Pacheco clearly stated that “many of these people are sick”. Please note in the report how the reporters are kept far away from the scene.
In an earlier report, it has also been determined that there has been a case of a Border Patrol Agent contracting drug resistant TB. Other diseases are entering the country as well and transmission can be accelerated through the spread of scabies and horizontal transfer through mosquitoes. Prominent Arizona physician, Dr. Jane Orient, has officially warned the Arizona Department of Health that West Africans, from the seven country region where an Ebola outbreak is taking place, are entering through our southern border. It was also reported that these West African illegal immigrants have been taught to speak Spanish so they can blend in with other immigrants. Could this possibly speak to a CIA operation and a deliberate attempt to spread the deadly Ebola virus.
Click here to see the evidence that this administration is complicit in the planning of this invasion. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is greatly exacerbating the risk to the immigrants themselves. Nobody on either side of the border is safe. There is only one objective, flood the United States, in as many communities as possible, with as many immigrants as possible. When the health crisis has been fermented, the UN, under the leadership of Peter Sutherland, will assume control of health and policing activities in this country as has been the past practice in so many other countries.
Meanwhile, back to the FOX 5 report, it was reported that the average illegal alien is questioned and processed and that this is completed within two to three hours. No blood is analyzed and this is the only reliable manner in which to diagnose TB, Ebola and Dengue Fever et al. All hell is about ready to break loose in America. Remember, when it comes to the more virulent of these diseases and viruses, it only takes one carrier.
FEMA Camp Question
During the Jessie Ventura Conspiracy Theory series, Jesse covered the FEMA camp issue which was later banned. In the episode, Jesse and Alex Jones visited a FEMA camp in Texas and videotaped CHILDREN playing behind restraining fences. Why? This unanswered question never settled properly with me.
Yesterday, while walking on the beach, it occurred to me that this nagging question may have been answered 5 years ago during the H1N1 scare by former Kansas State Patrol officer, the highly decorated Greg Evensen.
While appearing on The Common Sense Show, Greg stated that mandatory H1N1 vaccinations were coming and various law enforcement agencies had already practiced for the roadblocks with FEMA busses for the unwilling and waiting injections for those that could be intimidated. I confirmed this fact with two high ranking Colorado State Patrol officials that I know personally. However, the public backlash against the planned mandatory vaccinations was so heavily resisted the federal government backed off. Yet, there was something that Greg revealed that may come into play in the near future. Greg said that key enforcement personnel would be told that their families were being taken for safekeeping against any possible backlash and civil unrest and they would be housed together. In actuality, Greg stated that the family members of these key people would be held hostage in order to force compliance. Is this what we saw on Jesse Ventura’s show with the children playing inside of a prison complex? Did you just get chills up and down your spine? I did!
The next part in this series will put an exclamation point on this entire series in a way not being reported in either the MSM or the alternative media.