Lori Wallach explains: “Free Trade” is really an international corporate coup

March 4, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff


Published on Dec 4, 2014 

Public Citizen’s Lori Wallach explains in clear and engaging detail why so-called “Free Trade” is really an international corporate coup. From an interview with Ralph Nader, along with David Feldman and Steve Skrovan which originally aired on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour on November 28, 2014. Be sure to visit http://tradewatch.org where you can find documentation to back up the things mentioned by Lori Wallach in this interview and also access and print out local data (by zip code) for your area.

For more details about the problems with the TPP and what to do about it, please see the following Q&A sessions by Lori Wallach about TPP and Fast Track:


Visit http://ralphnaderradiohour.com or http://ralphnaderradiohour.libsyn.com/ to hear the rest of this and other Ralph Nader Radio Hour programs.