US federal judge dismisses lawsuit against BDS supporters

  Source: MEMO   Pro-Israeli groups have suffered a major defeat in a US court after a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the American Studies Association’s (ASA) resolution to endorse
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School Employee Sues District for Israel Loyalty Oath in Contract

  via: Lew Rockwell | By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout In a return to the bad old days of McCarthyism, Bahia Amawi, a US citizen of Palestinian descent, lost her Texas elementary school
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Will Americans Have To Take a Loyalty Oath to Israel Instead of U.S.?

  Source: WHTT Rick Sanchez of RT America reports on a phenomena sweeping the nation that makes a mockery of the First Amendment to the US Constitution, that protects the
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Congress Is Trying to Use the Spending Bill to Criminalize Boycotts of Israel and Other Countries

  Source: ACLU | By Kate Ruane, Senior Legislative Counsel, ACLU   According to recent reports, congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle are planning to sneak a bill criminalizing politically motivated
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Federal Judge Nixes Arizona Anti-Boycott of Israel Law

  Source: WHTT A federal judge in Phoenix has ruled in favor of free speech. The Arizona legislature passed a state law in 2016 “that denies state and local government
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  via: BLN SOURCE: RACHEL BLEVINS @ FREE THOUGHT PROJECT   (Support Free Thought) – The news that Israel killed more than 60 Palestinians on Monday alone, has sparked criticism from Americans
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Paranoid Self Pity Spawned in ADL Training Class

  Source: WHTT   The Anti-Defamation League sets low bar for hate speech According to the ADL, one of the criteria for one for an “Anti-Semite” is for a person to
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Kansas Federal Court Rules Against Pro-Israel Law

  Source: WHTT Lately, Israel has been desperate to protect there ever tarnishing name by striking out at the international BDS (Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions) movements that seek to end the
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  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS | SOURCE: CONSORTIUM NEWS Among the growing assaults on freedom of speech is an Israeli-driven campaign to criminalize a campaign to boycott Israel over its racist persecution of
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Rabbi Brant Rosen Defends Palestinians Right of Return Law

  Source: WHTT   Here’s another example of the gradual turning that is taking place in the Jewish community by voices crying out to be heard above the cacophony of
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Pink Floyd Star Roger Waters Challenges Israel’s Apartheid System

  via: WHTT | By Paul Gallagher, 2/19/2017, American musicians who support boycotting Israel over the issue of Palestinian rights are terrified to speak out for fear their careers will be
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NWSA votes to join Academic Boycott of Israel

WHTT | News Post | December 18, 2015    The National Women’s Studies Association members voted, by a huge majority, to join the worldwide movement against Israel at its annual conference, making it the fifth
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