Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War

  via: D. C. Clothesline | By Matt Agorist for The Free Thought Project  In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used
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GOP including Speaker Ryan knew of Clinton Money Laundering to Give Russia US Uranium. They know Trump will expose GOPe Corruption

Check the tweet: Leaked @GOP incl @SpeakerRyan knew of Clinton Money Laundering to Give Russia US Uranium. They know Trump will expose GOPe Corruption pic.twitter.com/ui01K6cGxZ — AgentVegas4Trump (@trump2016fan) October 10,
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Hacked Files Substantiate the Clinton Foundation’s «Pay-to-Play» Extortion Racket

Source: www.strategic-culture.org by WAYNE MADSEN Recently-obtained documents emanating from a computer hack of the Clinton Foundationby the enigmatic cyber-sleuth known as «Guccifer 2.0» reinforce previous allegations that the tax-exempt foundation engaged in
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