Kerry to Netanyahu: Military strike against Iran would be ‘huge mistake’

“We’ve seen the prime minister draw a cartoon of a bomb at the UN and so on and so forth,” he said. “But what’s happened? What has anyone done about
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U.S. Preparing to Release Convicted Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard, Officials Say

Some administration officials hope freeing spy may smooth relations with Israel after Iran nuclear deal Source: Wall Street Journal By DEVLIN BARRETT Updated July 24, 2015 4:16 p.m. ET Israeli protesters
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The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement — Paul Craig Roberts

“Despite its gigantic hubris, Washington has figured out that the US cannot simultaneously take on Russia, China, Iran, and the Islamic State. This realization is one reason for the nuclear
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Neoconservatives waging ‘war of deception’ against Americans: US Scholar

Source: Press TV Tue May 5, 2015 5:29PM CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO AT SOURCE  The pro-Israel neoconservatives in the United States are determined to continue their “war of deception”
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World War 3 Averted

Source: American Free Press APRIL 12, 2015   • U.S., Iran, UK, France, Russia, China, Germany agree. By John Friend — Despite the hysterical, irrational protestations of Israeli Prime Minister
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Mike Gravel: Iran nuclear deal further marginalizes Israel

Source: Press TV Fri Apr 3, 2015 2:15PM Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Gravel, a former Democratic United States Senator, to discuss Israel’s reaction to the statement
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