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The ‘Greek Debt Deal’ Is Already Starting To Fall Apart
July 15, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
Source: The Economic Collapse
By Michael Snyder, on July 14th, 2015
The Germans appear to believe that they can push the Greeks out of the eurozone and that everything will be okay somehow. This is something that I wrote about extensively yesterday, and it turns out that a lot of other prominent voices agree with me. For example, just consider what Paul Krugman of the New York Times had to say about this. I am kind of amazed that he finally got something right…
Greece desperately wants to stay in the euro, and they desperately want money from the rest of Europe to keep coming in. At this point, they will agree to just about anything to keep from getting booted out of the common currency. That is why the Germans and their allies had to make the deal so horrible. They were attempting to find some way to make things so harsh on the Greeks that they would finally choose to walk away.
And to a certain extent it seems to be working. Even some members of Syriza are publicly declaring that they are going to vote against this package. The following comes from the Washington Post…
Right now, the vote looks like it could be quite close. Even though Greek Prime Minister Alex Tsipras has publicly admitted that this is a deal that “I do not believe in“, he is really pushing hard to get the votes that he needs. In fact, according to Reuters he has been actively reaching out to opposition parties to secure votes…
But even if this deal gets through parliament, it is highly questionable whether Greece will actually be able to do what is being required of them. For instance, the 50 billion euro “privatization fund” seems to be something of a pipe dream…
For the moment, though, let’s assume that the Greek parliament agrees to these demands and that by some miracle the Greek government can find a way to do everything that is being required of them.
And for the moment, let’s assume that this deal is approved by both the German and Finnish parliaments.
Even if everything else goes right, this deal can still be killed by the IMF…
In order for the IMF to participate in this new Greek bailout, the IMF must deem Greek debt to be sustainable. And at this point that does not appear to be the case…
But the Germans made it very clear that there would be no bailout unless the IMF was involved.
So what would satisfy the IMF?
The IMF study seems to indicate that massive debt relief for Greece would be required. The following comes from Reuters…
Needless to say, those kinds of concessions are anathema to the Germans. There is no way that anything like that could ever get through the German parliament.
But to be honest, the Germans never intended for this deal to be successful anyway. Just consider what German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble told reporters on Tuesday…
This is what Schauble and his allies have wanted all along. This entire “deal” was crafted with the intent of creating conditions under which Greece could be forced out of the euro.
By this time tomorrow, we should know what the Greek parliament is going to do. However, that won’t be the end of the story. One way or another, the Germans are going to get their wish. But once they do, I think that they will be quite surprised by the chaos that is unleashed.
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Tags: Debt, debt relief, Debt Relief For Greece, Europe, Financing, German, Germans, Germany, Greece, Greece Debt Deal, Greek Debt, Greek Debt Deal, Greek Economy, Greek Government, The Eurozone, The IMF | Category: Commentary
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