DNC serves WikiLeaks with lawsuit via Twitter

August 12, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

Image result for DNC serves WikiLeaks with lawsuit via Twitter

source: www.intellihub.com
By CBS News

Intellihub editor’s note: It appears the deep state is doing everything in their power to go full force after those who put out the truth. Alex Jones, WikiLeaks, Intellihub’s Shepard Ambellas are all in the globalists sights.

From CBS News:

The Democratic National Committee on Friday officially served its lawsuit to WikiLeaks via Twitter, employing a rare method to serve its suit to the elusive group that has thus far been unresponsive.

As CBS News first reported last month, the DNC filed a motion with a federal court in Manhattan requesting permission to serve its complaint to WikiLeaks on Twitter, a platform the DNC argued the website uses regularly. The DNC filed a lawsuit in April against the Trump campaign, Russian government and WikiLeaks, alleging a massive conspiracy to tilt the 2016 election in Donald Trump’s favor.

All of the DNC’s attempts to serve the lawsuit via email failed, the DNC said in last month’s motion to the judge, which was ultimately approved.

The lawsuit was served through a tweet from a Twitter account established Friday by Cohen Milstein, the law firm representing the DNC in the suit, with the intent of serving the lawsuit.

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