Encouraging Abortion With US Tax Dollars
September 27, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: WHTT
Republican Congress Using Defense Bill to Fund Planned Parenthood and Aborted-Baby-Parts Research
(CNSNews.com) – The Republican-controlled Congress is moving to enact a Defense appropriations bill that has morphed into a multi-agency “minibus” and continuing resolution that funds Planned Parenthood and research that uses fetal tissue taken from aborted babies.
The bill passed the Senate Tuesday and is expected to come up for a vote in the House next week.
“Following passage in the House, which is expected to vote on the legislation next week, the package will be sent to the president’s desk for his signature,” said the statement.
Shelby applauded the Senate Republican and Democratic leaders for pushing the bill through.
“I want to thank my colleagues–particularly Leaders [Mitch] McConnell and [Chuck] Schumer and Vice Chairman [Patrick] Leahy–for their help in moving the Defense-Labor-HHS conference report before the Senate.”
The seven senators who voted against the bill included six Republicans and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.-Vt.)
Sen. Mike Lee (R.-Utah), one of the six Republicans, delivered a floor speech explaining his opposition to this bill that funds Planned Parenthood and fetal-tissue research.
Editor CEC