Washington Post: Obama’s Gun Controls Not Enough, Confiscation Needed

Source: www.breitbart.com by AWR HAWKINS On January 13 The Washington Post observed that President Obama’s executive gun controls do not portend a substantial reduction in gun crime because they lack the
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UN Plot to Confiscate American Guns Just Took a Giant Step Forward – Thanks Congress!

  Source: Freedom Outpost Trapped within the fanfare Chinese Black Monday and the American stock market plunging almost 600 points yesterday, suspicious explosions in China and on an American military
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FRONTPAGE Mag | Mark Tapson It’s not paranoia if they’re really gunning for you. Progressives love to ridicule Americans who are concerned that their Second Amendment rights are being threatened
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Police Can Seize Your Gun Without Notice Effective 1 January In This State

As we usher in a new year, we also see new changes to various state laws. One of the biggest is in California, where effective the first of January 2016,
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The UN Is Positioning to Lock Down the US

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network I have been writing that my military sources tell me that their greatest fears are beginning to become realized because the United States will
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Obama praises ‘very severe’ gun confiscation program of Australia

Source: Police State USA President Barack Obama said in a recent address that he’s become ‘frustrated’ with America’s lack of movement toward civilian disarmament.   As police in the USA become
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The End of Freedom, Privacy and Safety In America

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network From the moment you leave your home in the morning till the time you return home at night, you are under constant surveillance. And
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The False Flag Road to Martial Law & WW III Still Runs Through Chicago

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network If there is going to be World War III and subsequent martial law followed by gun confiscation, a precipitating false flag event must occur.
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The Chinese Are Here to Confiscate Our Guns

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Part One Part Two In Part three of this series on the Bundy affair and what it reveals about the intentions of the Chines
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Police State America Local Government Style

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network We do not have to wait for a Constitutional Convention for America to be robbed blind when it comes to their liberties and freedoms.
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The Coming Constitutional Convention Contains the Tipping Point for Revolution

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Pursuant to Article 5 of the US Constitution, if 34 states call for a convention, the convention is required to take place. Last week
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Will You Fire On American Citizens?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network As important as the crisis in Ukraine may be, I am growing concerned that we are allowing ourselves to be distracted away from a
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Gun Confiscation: 110,000 Citizens in Maryland Targeted

Source: Freedom Outpost While things continue to escalate in Connecticut as the state has called for gun owners who have not registered their guns to surrender them, just a few
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Connecticut Prepares for Gun Confiscation Over Citizens Not Abiding by New Laws

Source: Viral Survival Think back to the day that the Boston Marathon bombers were found to be still in the city and martial law nearly took effect. The streets were
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