Acosta’s Integrity Scorched by Fed-Up Former MSNBC Host

source: by BEN MARQUIS Breaking what is generally regarded as a cardinal rule of journalism — if perhaps unwritten — CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta has made himself the center
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Dear readers: Please stop calling us ‘the media.’ There is no such thing.

  Source: Washington Post | By Paul Farhi  To: Everyone From: Paul Farhi Subject: “The media.” Folks, I know a lot of you don’t like the people who work in my chosen
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Executive Order: United Nations allowed to use Force on US Citizens

  Source: | By Danny F. Quest  United Nation military troops may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that
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Nepotism across Obama administration and the mainstream news media present in several U.S. outlets  Via: John Stadtmiller’s email ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
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CNN to broadcast corporate propaganda as news?

“During Murrow’s era, broadcasters were granted licenses with the understanding that they would operate in the public interest. For example, a 1960 report by the Federal Communications Commission, which governs
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Biden: Jewish leaders helped gay marriage succeed

“I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve had on the development of this nation,” he said. “We’re a great country because of the contributions and most importantly because of Jewish heritage
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“They’re sending us not their finest people. And it’s people from countries other than Mexico also,” Trump replied, alluding to the rapists from Latin American countries admitted into the U.S. “We have
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Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool

“Built at a cost of more than $290 million, the site has 180 antennas on 30 acres that are used to direct energy into the ionosphere, which is 55 miles
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Cross Talk: Sunday Wire Host Patrick Henningsen Breaks Down Big Media’s Game

Source: 21st Century Wire January 13, 2015 SUNDAY WIRE radio host and 21WIRE writer, Patrick Henningsen, joins host Peter Lavelle and guests to breakdown the state of the mainstream media
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What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Air MH17

Israel Savages Gaza – Again

Source: Brass Check TV What the media aren’t telling you. Israel is responding to rocket attacks out of Gaza! That’s the headline you see everywhere. But we show you what
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Facebook mind control experiment was nothing compared to the deliberate manipulations of the mass media

Source: Natural News The internet erupted in protest last week over the revelation that Facebook ran a psychological experiment on 700,000 users designed to see just how easily information could
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Economists: The U.S. Economy Shrank In Q1, But Better Days Are Just Around The Corner

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network During the first three months of this year, the U.S. economy contracted at a 1 percent annual rate.  Despite this, mainstream economists flooded the
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Is The Mainstream Media Dying?

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Ratings at CNN, MSNBC and Fox News have all been plummeting in recent years, and newspaper ad revenues are about a third of what
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The Great Distraction of the Donald Sterling Plantation

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network As a former college basketball coach, a college basketball player and a human being, I find LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling and  his racist
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Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High

Source: Prevent Disease From pollution to politics, the era of deception and duplicity has reached new heights and hijacked almost every form of media in the world. In the last
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8 Headlines the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Have the Balls to Print

Source: RINF The following are all relevant, fact-based issues, the “hard news” stories that the media has a responsibility to report. But the business-oriented press generally avoids them. 1. U.S.
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Associated Press caught ‘restructuring’ old EPA news to mislead readers; mainstream media blindly plays along

Source: Natural News (NaturalNews) Four days ago, the Associated Press reported that coal-fired power plants are dumping enormous quantities of pollutants into U.S. waterways. According to the Associated Press, the
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