Killing Us for Our Own Good

  Source: Back in 2004 I began writing about something many refer to as chemtrails. I became aware of the manipulation of our weather through a lovely lady named
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Scientists Now Argue Merits Of Spraying Aerosols Into Atmosphere To Cool Is OK

  Source: | BY: CHEYENNE MACDONALD   Technocrat Scientists are having a hot debate over the benefits of cooling the atmosphere with aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere, as if it has not
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Texas carpet bombs its own hurricane-traumatized victims with neurological poisons sprayed from military planes

  Source: Natural News | Mike Adams   The war on humanity continues unabated in Texas, where over one million acres of land are being carpet-bombed with the aerial spraying of neurotoxic
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Geoengineering and ‘Chemtrails’ Are Described in Mainstream Media As Highly Dangerous But Necessary To Combat Global Warming

  Source: Need To Know | By Aaron and Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media Mainstream media is presenting geoengineering and ‘chemtrails’ as potentially disastrous to the Earth, but that the risk is warranted
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Globalists Are Now Classifying Geoengineered ‘Chem Trails’ as New NATURAL Cloud Formations Caused By ‘Climate Change’!

  Source: SGTreport | Contributed by Alev  Holy cow… they are classifying and re-naming CHEMTRAILS as new natural cloud formations due to CLIMATE CHANGE !!!!!  We just missed this PROPAGANDA spectacle held
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Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Chemtrails Exposed By Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists. Soil & Water Tested High In Aluminum & Barium


Another attempted cover-up of chemtrails by the mainstream

Source: According to a recent piece published by USA Today online, “white aircraft trails in the sky aren’t harmful chemicals sprayed from planes.” Additionally as a further insult to well-researched individuals USA Today also
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Source: WND | By CHUCK NORRIS Exclusive: Chuck Norris examines geoengineering ‘in skies above us’ Country legend Merle Haggard, who died of a lung infection (double pneumonia) on April 6, sang in
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Former Air Force Officer Warns Of Atmospheric Spraying And The Coming Collapse

via: Geoengineering Watch The great unraveling is gaining momentum by the day, and even now the majority of the masses are fast asleep at the wheel. Our skies look like
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SKY CRIMINALS – Exclusive: Chuck Norris examines geoengineering ‘in skies above us’ Read more at

WND  | CHUCK NORRIS Country legend Merle Haggard, who died of a lung infection (double pneumonia) on April 6, sang in his song, “What I hate”: “What I hate is looking up
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What I Hate – Merle Haggard

  “… seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky, today.”  

Prince Talks About Chemtrails New World Order Illuminati Depopulation

A Presentation from Dane Wiggington: High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

Mystery black rain hits Michigan town: Tar-like substance falls from the sky and leaves residents bewildered as it covers cars, porches and driveways

The Liberty Beacon | Pam Jones Mystery black rain hits Michigan town: Tar-like substance falls from the sky and leaves residents bewildered as it covers cars, porches and driveways The
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God’s Children Must Rebuke Satan and Repent

Hello! May this, my introductory writing on the worthy RBN website, truly be a blessing to you. I do know that if you’re reading these words you are a follower
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Anonymous Release NASA Documents Proving Something Unbelievable …

Anon News | Anonymous   Anonymous have leaked information that they claim originate from NASA servers, showing evidence of an extensive drone weather modification program that prove that Chemtrails exist. Anonsec
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NASA Admits Use of Chemtrails

In 1959 Walt Disney, 33rd degree Mason and fan of dark mysticism and mind control, released this film on future uses of Chemtrails and Weather Modification

“Chemical Weapons Used On American Citizens”: The Latest EPA Hearing

“On August 11th, 2015, activists met with the EPA to provide a legally-binding testimony to discuss the intentional release of chemical terror agents into the atmosphere from aircraft, such as
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