“Massively Altered” …German Professor Examines NASA GISS Temperature Datasets

By P Gosselin on 20. November 2015  http://notrickszone.com/ Veteran journalist Günter Ederer* writes a piece reporting that massive alterations have been found in the NASA GISS temperature data series, citing
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NASA Admits Use of Chemtrails

NASA-funded study: The way to save Western civilization from collapse is communism

Source: Daily Caller If the United States wants to avoid falling like the Roman Empire, it must avoid “overconsumption” and distribute resources equally, according to a study funded by NASA.
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The Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing & Much More

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The Malaysian airplane is not missing.  It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be. Also, with regard to the 80,000 Russian troops
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Climate scientists slam Obama science czar’s ‘pseudo-science rambling’ on global warming

Source: Daily Caller The night before President Barack Obama was set to address Californians stricken by a prolonged drought, White House science czar Dr. John Holdren told reporters that virtually
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NASA to replace Russia’s Soyuz with commercial spaceships by 2017

Source: Russia Today NASA’s huge Vehicle Assembly Building in Cape Canaveral, Florida (Reuters/Pierre DuCharme) NASA plans to give up Russia’s space travel services by 2017, switching all cargo and manned
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