Did Israel Just Start World War III?

June 23, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network

israel attacks syria

Doug Hagmann and I have been very consistent in stating that World War III would begin in Syria. Further, my military sources have been telling me for 15 months that war in the Middle East, and possibly World War III, will commence in Syria for a variety of reasons. The world is beginning to witness the unfolding of this prediction. Historians may look back upon Israel’s recent attack upon nine military targets inside of Syria as the Archduke moment for World War III.

A Convenient Provocation

A total of nine Syrian military targets have been hit by Israeli jets and guided missiles, according to IDF officials. The IDF claims they were a part of a clear message being delivered to the Syrians in response to a series of cross-border shootings to protect the citizens of Israel. As many as 10 Syrian soldiers have been killed, but that is not the real story. The attacks, on the surface appear to be a retaliation to the threats posed by Syria against Israeli citizens, most notably, the killing of anIsraeli teen, Mohammed Karaka.

On the surface, the attacks appear to be measured and completely justified. However, when one examines the nature of the attacks, a very ominous picture begins to emerge. The bulk of the attacks were directed against targets on the Golan Heights. This is highly significant because any conventional military force incursion into Syria would have to be precipitated by eliminating the threat to Israel posed by forces on the Golan Heights.

As tragic as the killing of the Israeli teen, Mohammed Karaka is, his death is being exploited by Israel because the boy was an Arab who was also an Israeli citizen. To some degree, this gives Israel the moral high ground because Israel’s military actions are not just based upon retaliation for the killing of an Israeli teen, he is also an Arab. What a perfect poster child, pun intended, to justify Israel’s actions against Syria.

Israel is exploiting the situation for military gain and I am speaking directly about some of the military targets which were attacked by Israel that have nothing to do with retaliating against Syria for the death of the boy. Many of the targets included, anti-aircraft military installations. And what would be the one target that Israel would have to take out prior to having its tanks cross the board and attack Damascus?  Any prelude to invasion, whether it be by the U.S., NATO, Israel or ISIS, would consist of taking out the anti-aircraft capabilities of Syrian military bases.

In order to launch a successful invasion, either by proxy forces or through direct intervention, Israel would need to have an immediate and complete control of the skies. The “retaliation” for the death of the Israeli teen allowed Israel the pretext and ability to test the capabilities of the anti-aircraft facilities by striking at them under the guise of retaliating for the killing of a teen.

Why Syria?

It is no secret that Russia cannot match America/NATO airpower. Therefore, the Russians have built the best anti-aircraft facilities in the world and the Russian capabilities in this area are second to none. Since Russia is considered to be the architect of the Syrian military, it would make sense that Syria could be expected to have some of the same capabilities that Russia enjoys with regard to this type of defense. Therefore, it makes even more sense that Israel needs to test the Syrian defenses prior to attacking. Hence,  you have the real reason for yesterday’s attacks.

Israel wants to escalate the situation. They want the world to believe that it can expect Syria to have a provoking counter response. However, Assad is not ignorant enough to play into Israel’s hand and retaliate. Therefore, a reason must be invented and yes, I am speaking about a major false flag event which will be promoted by and carried out by the CIA and possibly the Mossad.

The ISIS Factor

ISIS will no doubt cross into Syria and its actions will lead to widespread destabilization of the Syrian government. The world would soon see a horrific carnage as ISIS’ actions in Iraq are merely the preliminary event.

Syria must be taken and fortified by the West. Holding Syria is the key to warding off a Russian invasion should the IDF and NATO invade Iran to stop its practice of selling its oil for gold to the BRICS.

If Syria is occupied, the United States will be able to employ airpower and utilize its small and medium missile batteries. These weapons would be able to repel a Russian counter-attack in Syria. With Russia being stopped at the gate, the door is open to invade Iran. Yet, another false flag will have to be unleashed to give the U.S. the justification to invade Iran.

In retaliation, Ukraine may be overrun by Russia, however, this might be an acceptable loss as the real threat to American hegemony and Western central banking dominance is more threatened by Iran’s rogue move of forsaking the dollar. The Petrodollar is gasping for breath and the U.S. must act now.

While appearing as a guest on my show on June 15, 2014, Doug Hagmann predicted that ISIS will not only consume Iraq but will blow by the border and go into Syria as well. Israeli air support would be needed to use these CIA funded proxy troops to stir up civil unrest, otherwise ISIS would be crushed by the Syrian military. This action against Syria will require either the Americans or the IDF to take out the Syrian command and control structures, such as its air defenses, thus leaving Damascus basically undefended. The CIA has attempted to destabilize Assad for three years by starting and supporting a bloody civil war. However, these actions have not resulted in the desired regime change. Therefore, intervention in Syria is being taken to a whole new level.


Israel’s controversial military actions were not motivated by the death of one teenager. The teen is the convenient excuse. Now that the IDF has its answers as to Syrian military air defenses, the path is paved for an invasion of Syria and the fall of Assad has begun. With regime change in sight, an occupied Syria will result as a new puppet Syrian regime will do exactly what they are told to do. The only remaining question is who will use nuclear weapons first. This will be the topic of a future article.