9/11 Witnesses Who Died Mysteriously
November 6, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
These names are over the internet and their interviews or clips you can find on youtube and the web. Question: why so many 9/11 witnesses are dead? Is it a coinicidence? Were they murdered? If murdered, who killed them? For those of you that still believe that Bin Laden and the Talban were the masterminds behind 9/11, I will post a partial list of names of people who are now dead….
Barry Jennings (Eyewitness to explosions and bodies inside WTC7) — Undisclosed causes
Kenneth Johannemann (Eyewitness to explosions inside WTC, Saw no airplanes hit but just saw “floors blow up”) — Gunshot to the head, ruled a suicide
Beverly Eckert (Wife of 9/11 WTC Victim, Earwitness to WTC Explosion, Refused hush money) — Airplane crash
Prasanna Kalahasthi (Wife of 9/11 “Flight 11 Passenger”) — Suicide by hanging
David Graham (Dentist who saw three of the 9/11 Hijackers with Pakistani businessman in Shreveport, Louisiana) — Murdered (Poisoned with anti-freeze)
Paul Smith (Pilot of WABC7’s 9/11 “International Shot” Chopper) — Car accident
Michael H. Doran (9/11 Victims Lawyer) — Airplane crash
Bertha Champagne (Longtime babysitter for 911 Perp Marvin Bush’s family) — Crushed by a car
Christopher Landis (Former Operations Manager for Safety Service Patrol for the Virginia Department of Transportation, Interviewed by makers of “The Pentacon”, Gave makers of “The Pentacon” a photo collection, Involved in the response to the Pentagon attack) — Suicide
John P. O’Neill (FBI Counter-terrorism expert, Obsessed with catching Osama Bin Laden, Suspected Clinton/Bush/FBI complicity in the cover-up and protection of Bin Laden) — Died in the WTC on 9/11
Deborah Palfrey (Ran an escort service that had 911 Perps on it’s list) — Suicide by hanging
David Wherley (US General who ordered fighter jets to scramble on 9/11) — Train crash
Un-named Ticket Agent (Boston Logan Ticket Agent who checked Atta and Alomari) — Suicide
Suzanne Jovin (Yale Student who had a thesis about Osama Bin Laden, Her thesis adviser was an intelligence operative) — Murdered (Killer unknown)
Perry Kucinich (Brother of Congressman who advocated new 9/11 investigation) — Fell down
Salvatore Princiotta (9/11 FDNY Firefighter from Ladder 9) — Murdered
Ezra Harel (Chairman of the Israeli Company That Handled Security For All 9/11 Airports) — Heart attack
Bruce Ivins (Patsy in the 9/11-linked “Anthrax” Case) — Drug overdose
Danny Jowenko died in a car crash against a tree. He was an explosives expert who told WTC7 was definitely brought down by a controlled demolition and this is not a one day job!
Have you seen the list? By the way, I got this list from this website:
On the list I posted, check the name Beverly Eckert, a 9/11 witness who died 6 days after meeting Obama. Coincidence? No! That website I mentioned has her face and more detailed story. Question: if Bin Laden was the mastermind and planes did take out the towers, then why are witnesses dead who claimed they heard bombs go off inside TWC? Not to mention some of which claim they saw no airplanes? My point exactly! The clips of the planes are doctored film, yes like a Hollywood movie perhaps? The 3 buildinmgs, including Tower 7, fell like buildings during a demolitian process. More on that in another topic.
Here are vids of the people who died mysteriously.
Question: if Bin Laden was the mastermind? why are these people dead after 9/11? Since he was a fugitive at the time, how would he have the time to “kill” these witnesses? My point exactly. So please don’t be blind. There are evil forces behind this, led by Satan. He used families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Astors to name a few. He used organizations like the C.I.A., Bilderbergers, C.F.R., UN, Trilateral Commission, and He used President Bush, VP Cheney, and others to pull off this false flag operation attack on 9/11. Oh yes, Obama is included too since he is related to Bush. Note: all the past, present, and future U. S. Presidents are all somehow related to each other. Presidents are not elected, but selected. That’s another story for another day.
The reason I wanted to post this is so the truth can continue to circulate, and that all the people who have died since 9/11 aren’t forgotten. Every person has a story!