*** About Those Unidentified Flying Objects ***

February 16, 2023 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


Source: RealHistoryChan


“Pentagon and intelligence officials are trying to make sense of three unidentified flying objects…”
FEBRUARY 14, 2023

NY Times:

What Were Those Flying Objects?
By Julian E. Barnes, Adam Goldman and Chris Cameron
What’s Going On Up There? Theories but No Answers in Shootdowns of Mystery Craft.
By Julian E. Barnes, Helene Cooper and Edward Wong


A Timeline of the U.F.O.s That Were Shot Down This Weekend
By Julian E. Barnes


What’s this? All of a sudden it has become intellectually permissible to use the term “UFO” (Unidentified Flying Object) in polite company without being dismissed as a loon? All throughout the headlines and sub-headlines of the “paper of record” (including the front-top page) as well as “conservative” media — as if someone had pushed a button in classic Orwellian / Soviet manner — that oh-so-scary acronym is now being dropped like candy by “reputable” sources and “educated” people. Some of the Slimes articles even list three writers in the byline — a journalistic trick used to convey the seriousness of those particular scams which (((they))) really want to promote.

Meanwhile, over at “opposition” Conservative Inc., the despicable Sean Hannity of FOX breathlessly reported on the “UFOs” and stated that recent developments were “scary.” Now when the “high brow” whisperers of National Public Radio and the “low brow” barkers of Conservative Inc. start to close ranks on a “latest thing” scare event — you may generally infer that a truckload of some serious horseshit is about to be heaped down upon the empty heads of the bewildered boobs of Normiedom.

But can the Cabal seriously be plotting what some have long believed that the Globalists would do if it was necessary to unite the world in “self defense?” Even the “drenched-in-hand-sanitizer-and-three-years-in-a-mask-while-driving-in-their-car-quadruple-boosted” Covidiot cretins would never buy into a staged alien invasion. …… Or would they?

WTF! UFO’s are now “mainstream” news?



Time Mag

The Hill

The Star (UK)



Oh my God!!!! The Martians are here!
Project Blue Beam is a “conspiracy theory”  first described in 1994 & 1995 works by Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast. According to Monast — who conveniently died soon afterwards, at 51, after spending a night in jail — the Globalists will use holograms to fake an extraterrestrial invasion in order to scare the moronic masses into accepting The New World Order. Similar themes of “global cooperation” following an alien invasion were presented in Hollyweird sci-fi films such as The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) and Independence Day (1996), as well as lesser known films.

Knowing what the Cabal is capable of devising and executing — and knowing what obedient Normiedom is indeed capable of swallowing, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times doesn’t doubt that such a wild scheme would be something that the NWO — if it found itself in a difficult spot — might consider. However — we still cannot bring ourselves to believe that — in the final analysis — the NWO planners would arrive at the conclusion that they could actually pull off such a bold operation. Way too reckless, especially in their already weakened state. But then again — if (((they))) were able to so easily sell the preposterous fairy tales of 9/11 “jet fueled” skyscraper free-fall implosions and “Chinese wet market”  bat-sourced Stupid-19 / “variant”  mania ……. well….

Let’s see how this emerging UFO story that’s got tough guy Sean Hannity so “scared” plays out. Our preferred hypothesis at this time is that the Deep State is simply trying to divert attention from the deep doo-doo that is currently being revealed in Congressional investigations — but without actually introducing their “alien” operatives.





All of the Hollywood films about alien invasion feature the social dynamic which one of Ronald Reagan’s speechwriters slipped into his 1987 speech before the United Nations: — Reagan: “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”



“We come in peace.”
1 & 2: Monast predicted that an alien invasion could be used to usher in world government. He died under very suspicious circumstances shorty afterwards.



Boobus Americanus 1:  I read in the New York Times today that these UFOs remain a mystery.

Boobus Americanus 2:  It’s kind of scary.
St Sugar: Boobuss — your frickin’ sshadow is sscary to you!!!

Editor: I still don’t think (((they))) would go through with this.