America’s Farcical Political Season Rolls On

February 21, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

by Stephen Lendman

America’s Big Money-controlled political process is hopelessly corrupted – mocking democratic legitimacy. None exists.

Duopoly power one-party-rule with two wings excludes it – independents entirely shut out, voters having no say whatever.

Primary season is pure theater with no substance. Voters thinking their choice matters in all US elections are delusional. Believing otherwise is pure fantasy.

Media scoundrels, notably deplorable US cabal television, feature horserace politics exclusively, along with shamelessly bashing non-establishment candidates.

Major world and national issues go unaddressed. A truth emergency leaves people uninformed about what they most need to know. Tracking polls focusing on electability substitute for vital news, information and analysis.

Scandalous media reporting undermines public trust in a hopelessly corrupted system – why half the electorate or more most often opts out. When voting is a waste of time, why bother.

Trump won South Carolina’s primary decisively, taking all 44 delegates, getting nearly a third of the votes cast.

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