Ann Coulter: “I Don’t Care If It Was Assad Who Used Chemical Weapons, I’m Tired Of Regime Change”

April 13, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

A fiery Ann Coulter told radio host Joyce Kaufman on Wednesday that she doesn’t care if it was Bashar al-Assad who used chemical weapons because she’s “tired of Regime change.”

Though Coulter said she doesn’t believe Assad actually did use chemical weapons and suspects the rebels were behind the recent attack, she said even if he did it’s no excuse for getting involved in another “pointless war.”

“I don’t care if it was Assad who used these chemical weapons,” she said. “I’m tired of regime change. I’m tired of war.”

“But this, again, is not the first time we’ve had a Reichstag fire for some pointless war,” Coulter said. “In the Gulf War, famously we were told that Iraqi troops were rushing in and throwing — always the babies, it’s always the children — taking babies out of Kuwaiti hospitals and pulling them out of incubators and throwing them on the floor.”

“[We were shown] congressional testimony from an alleged nurse who witnessed this, an eyewitness herself, and then people looked at her and said, wait a second that’s not a nurse that’s the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter, and it was, the whole thing was a hoax,” she said.

Coulter continued: “It turns out that weapons of mass destruction — and you and I had other reasons for wanting to fight the Iraq war, though I don’t think I do it again knowing that Obama would come in and give away our victory — but the weapons of mass destruction was played up not by you and me but by people in the administration, ‘a slam-dunk case.'”

“We have been lied to over and over in cases like this and I do not think [Trump’s attack on Syria] shows toughness, I think it shows everything Trump’s enemies said about him — that he’s erratic, that he’s emotional, that he’s desperate for approval — it wasn’t because they violated some some horrible, you know, laws of war and humanity,” she said.

“I’ve never understood why it is so much worse to die by a chemical than to have your head shot off, or to have your head chopped off. A half a million people have died already, this was 70 people, it makes no sense, whether or not he did it.”

Coulter went on to say what Trump “said on the campaign trail about not starting World War III over Syria” “was right.”

Assad is better than the people he’s fighting,” she said.