AT&T Buying Time Warner: If Approved, Assures Greater Scoundrel Media Consolidation Than Already

October 23, 2016 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

Image result for at&t time warner merger
AT&T Buying Time Warner: If Approved, Assures Greater Scoundrel Media Consolidation Than Already
by Stephen Lendman
Six corporate giants control most media and related content Americans consume.
Comcast, News Corp., Disney, Viacom, CBS and Time Warner dominate US broadcast and cable television news, entertainment and sports, movie and TV production, theme parks, record labels, publishing, and for-profit online operations.
On Saturday, the Wall Street Journal reported telecommunications giant AT&T and Time Warner agreeing to merge.
Approval, if granted, would likely assure greater consolidation in both industries – benefitting corporate predators at the expense of the vast majority of consumers, giving them less choice than already, ensuring higher prices for poorer service.
Hillary is a Wall Street, war profiteers, corporate predators tool, virtually certain to support this outrageous deal – likely to get FCC and Justice Department approval on her watch.
Campaigning in Pennsylvania, Trump called the proposed deal another example of too few sources disseminating information to Americans, warning of “too much concentration of power,” manipulating people, telling them how to think.
As president, if elected, he vowed to oppose it. He’s against jobs-killing TPP, NAFTA and similar deals. “Our jobs are fleeing the country,” he said. “They’re going to Mexico. They’re going to many other countries.”
Hillary calls TPP the “gold standard in trade agreements,” sure to approve what Trump opposes.
He calls friendly relations with Russia a good thing, praising Putin as “a leader…far more than our president has been,” saying “(i)f we have a (normal) relationship with Russia, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could work together on it and knock the hell out of ISIS.”
Hillary’s rage for endless wars to eliminate all sovereign independent governments risks nuclear confrontation with Russia, China and Iran on her watch.
Trump is no peacenik, no paragon of virtue, yet he’s on the right side of vital issues discussed above.
Hillary should terrify everyone – on the wrong side of virtually everything mattering most, the most ruthlessly dangerous choice for president in US history.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at 
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