BOOM! Neil Cavuto Just Busted MSM – Plays 2003 Interview with Trump Against Iraq War (VIDEO)

September 29, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: The Gateway Pundit

NBC hack and presidential debate moderator accused Donald Trump of supporting the Iraq War back in 2003.

Trump brought up his interview with Neil Cavuto in his defense.

trump-2003-holtAfter the debate Neil Cavuto played his 2003 interview with Donald Trump from January 28th of 2003. Here is Trump –

Donald Trump: Well I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They’re getting a little bit tired of hearing we’re going in, we’re not going in.  You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur?  I mean he would go in and attack.  He wouldn’t talk.  I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it….   Well, he’s [Bush] either got to do something or not do something perhaps.  Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet.  Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations.  You know, he’s under a lot of pressure.  He’s, you know I think he is doing a very good job but of course if you look at the polls a lot of people are getting a little tired.  I think the, the Iraqi situation is a problem and I think the economy is a much bigger problem.

Trump was right and Lester Holt lied.

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