WikiLeaks Drops Another Bombshell On Hillary Clinton And The FBI And The Latest Assange Interviews.

September 29, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: IWB

WikiLeaks dropped more leaks as the Debate played out. First of all, they reported Hillary was given a better camera angle, because it made her look more authoritative. In my opinion, that is no biggie, but the next tidbit they dropped is.

The FBI just dumped 189 pages of heavily redacted Clinton witness interviews.

FBI report: Everyone one at Platte River Networks (PRN) had access to Hillary Clinton’s emails

Clinton, her aides, and everyone at Platte River Institute, the server Hillary hired, violated a subpoena and deleted her emails.  This is not new news, but, nevertheless, it bears repeating.
The big deal is that everyone at Platte River Institute saw Hillary’s emails, whether classified or unclassified.

A technician hired by Hillary Clinton to run the private email system she used while US secretary of state told investigators he tried to pass on colleagues’ concerns that the system might not comply with records laws, FBI interview summaries show.

Bryan Pagliano, the technician Clinton hired when she joined the State Department in 2009, told federal investigators he relayed the concerns to Cheryl Mills, then Clinton’s chief of staff.

Mills, whose lawyer did not respond to requests for comment, has previously testified under oath she could not recall anyone alerting her to potential problems with Clinton’s email arrangement.

The episode had not been disclosed until the Federal Bureau of Investigation released on Friday night nearly 200 pages of additional records from its year-long investigation into the handling of classified government documents by Clinton and her staff via an unauthorized email server in the basement of her New York home.

So thanks to WikiLeaks the public now has more information of laws broken by Hillary Clinton concerning her private email server.  Further we have proof of Platte River Institute alerting Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s chief of staff, of their concerns about the fact the server was able to be viewed by anyone.  Further, we know Mills lied about this to the FBI, and the FBI knew it.

FBI Director should resign now, and the voting public must remember all of these incriminating facts against Hillary Clinton which makes her unfit for the Presidency of the United States.

Further links on this story are:
