September 17, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Deep Roots At Home | By
What would you do if you were told that you could not be present for a ‘private’ meeting between your 12 to 17 year-old child and an unknown nurse or care-giver with a list of questions that would be put in their ‘medical’ record forever? I am not sure if I am a ‘normal’ parent or not but after being a practicing RN for over 20 years, I would say, “No thank you!”
Whether it be through Common Core or medical laws, there are rumblings that progressives are looking to take parents out of the equation whenever and wherever possible. The plight of the Pelletier family is one current warning of what is just around the corner unless we all wake up.
Updated June, 2017.
Christy Duffy was unpleasantly surprised when she took her daughter to the doctor recently. When she arrived in the office, a notice on the door terrified and angered her.
Needless to say this mom was not happy with the notice or the nurse’s insistence that there was no way for her to opt out…
I asked if this policy was in effect and if so, how could I opt out. The receptionist told me it’s a new law and there is no opting out. Working to keep my cool, I said, “I’m sure there is.” She said, “No, there isn’t.” At which point I asked if I needed to leave and go to the urgent care center because I was not submitting my daughter to such a conversation.
That did not go over well.
The receptionist closed the window. Almost immediately, the office manager turned the corner and said, “Mrs. Duffy, may I speak with you?” She said there was a new policy that would allow a child to access his/her medical records online and the child would be allowed to block a parent from viewing the website.
The nurse would also inform my children that the doctor’s office is a safe place for them to receive information about STDs, HIV, and birth control. That is what the nurse would be chatting about with my children without any pesky parental oversight. I kindly informed her that no one would be talking with my children privately, and I needed to know how to opt out of this policy before bringing Amy back for her physical next month….
Make sure this is crystal clear: what they want to do is talk to your child about sex and drugs (maybe rock and roll – who knows?) without your input. Is it really such a stretch to imagine that a doctor who does not value abstinence before marriage would encourage your daughters – as young as 12! – to receive birth control? Is it really such a stretch to imagine a nurse telling a young boy – because a 12 year old boy is a BOY – that she will give him condoms so he can be “safe”? Is this what you want told to your children without the ability to filter the info through your world view?
Should a doctor ever ask to speak to a child without a parent present? If he/she suspects abuse, then, of course. But short of evidence of abuse, a doctor should not need to speak to a child alone. I am the Mom. I will pick who can talk to my kids about sex and drugs. And rock-n-roll for that matter.
Read the rest of the blog post here. Way to go Christy for raising this alarm for parents and grandparents! We are losing our freedoms and privacy right and left and must stand our ground.
This mom is exactly correct. The law might sound reasonable to some on the face of it, but with just a little thought one should see potential long-term consequences for you and your child. By allowing these people ‘private’ time with adolescent children, it strips away the rights of parents. Why would the government want to do this?
By removing the power to raise our children out of the hands of parents, a vacuum is created, and the government rushes in to fill that void. In this case, they use medical personnel to do the job.
These medical providers are given a private opportunity to take the politically correct messages about sex and relationships directly to young children whose parents may not agree with that message. And that is not all.
Forbes states, “Following the Newtown, CT shootings, President Obama issued an executive order clarifying that ‘the Affordable Care Act [ObamaCare] does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.’ The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) similarly encourages physicians to ask patients if they own firearms — in the name of protecting child safety.”
It’s not the physician’s job to help your family with safety issues. In that case, they should inspect each knife you own. It is their job to help your family with health issues, and that is all. In their defense, many doctors are overwhelmed by their caseloads and simply comply instead of rock the boat. If at all possible, talk to other mothers and seek out one of the many doctors that is still truly family-friendly.
Fox News: You do not have to answer invasive, personal questions!
Where are we now? It turns out we are not as free and secure as we would like to be, and we’re heading in the wrong direction. gives us an overview of parental rights in America thus far in 2014. This is only a sampling of the epidemic.
Tell that to the Kansas father who was livid last week over a poster in his daughter’s eighth grade classroom that lists “How …people express their sexual feelings.” Some of the examples are light enough, but others are VERY explicit – and in a middle school setting! The principal and school district defend the poster, saying it is part of the school’s abstinence-based sex education program, and in line with other schools across the country. Wow!
<In California, “Baby Sammy” was taken from his parents because they left one hospital to seek a second opinion at another before subjecting the child to open-heart surgery.
In Ohio, an Amish family> was forced to flee the country to spare their daughter unwanted and dangerous chemo-therapy, including a cocktail of drugs not approved for children by the FDA. Reports indicate the girl is in remission through natural means, but the Ohio hospital and child services department are livid.
The law is not on your side. In every one of these cases the judge ruled against legally fit parents. As a result, more and more parents are afraid to even take their child to the emergency room, lest one wrong answer lead to the removal of their child and the loss of their parental rights.
We should not remain silent. There is strength in knowing about it; talking and praying about this with other parents and family members is a powerful step.
And, we have an Almighty God who cares about parents and children; our prayers accomplish much. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” ~1 Timothy 2:1
There is another hope on the horizon! A proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is already slowly making its way through the Congress. Once adopted, the PRA will guard the fundamental right of parents to make decisions – medical, educational, in fact all kinds of decisions – for their children.
To see a 30 minute video of WHY our rights are being overruled, go to Overruled: Government Invasion of Your Parental Rights, the Movie.
To join the effort, sign the petition at
To further support parental rights, visit
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