CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
December 17, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Need To Know | One America News Network
The numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths. In October, the CDC revealed that few people have died from Covid-19. Instead, other causes of death were falsely diagnosed as Covid-19. Out of 220,000 claimed Covid-19 deaths, 88,208 were patients who died from pneumonia and the flu, 17,798 died from chronic respiratory diseases, 26,365 died from adult chronic distress syndrome, and over 51,000 patients died from heart attacks. Over 131,000 cases diagnosed as Covid-19 deaths already had life-threatening diseases such as cancer, dementia, and even end-stage renal failure. Over 10,000 people who died and were marked as Covid-19 cases were already in hospice and waiting to die. Only 6% of Covid deaths were caused by the coronavirus as the other 94% were linked to pre-existing comorbidities, serious illnesses and advanced age.The CARES Act that was passed by Congress in March gave hospitals a 20% bonus for COVID diagnosis, paid for by Medicare. Doctors are paid to list patients as having COVID-19 without any indication that the death was related to it.
Most of the people who died during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 actually died from bacterial pneumonia.