CNN Waits Until Late Night to Air Poll Showing MASSIVE Majority of Americans Over Russia Hoax

April 22, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

Now that President Trump has been cleared when it comes to all things Russia, the media has been pushing the narrative that Attorney General Bill Barr is incompetent and 45 needs to be impeached.

This is how they shift the focus while keeping the uninformed in the dark.

Check out this poll CNN decided to air late at night confirming the American people are sick of hearing about Russia.

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For some reason, the far-left network decided to not air the poll during the day.


The post included a screen grab from 12:15 a.m. that showed the results of a Monmouth University Poll from April 11-15.


Fifty-four percent of respondents said they wanted lawmakers to “move on,” while only 39 percent want to “continue investigating.” Two percent said it “depends,” while five percent said they “don’t know.”

Curtis Houck


Fun poll from the late-night @CNN coverage that would have been nice to see put on-screen earlier in the day

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Did you happen to catch CNN’s recent town hall featuring 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, Senator Cory Booker?

Don’t worry. I’m sure the ratings weren’t exactly through the roof.

Something you did miss, though, was Don Lemon congratulating Booker for doing a “nice job.”

Hmm. Seems like an objective journalist, huh?

From Free Beacon:

Booker wrapped up an answer to a question about his opposition to the Electoral College and called for higher voter turnout, saying it made democracy better.

Booker: “Cynical Republicans are trying to make it harder and harder for people to vote, especially African Americans. The cure for these anti-democratic problems is not to surrender to cynicism about the system. It’s to get up, get involved, get engaged, and let’s change it together.

Lemon, before breaking for commercial: “I can see that you’re warmed up. You’ve been out on the campaign trail.


“Nice job. Nice job,” Lemon could be heard telling Booker as the camera panned away, shaking his hand.


Another clip from the event:

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