Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The “Situation With Russia”

  Source: Zero Hedge | by Tyler Durden  While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a ‘blue wave’ in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as
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Independents Sway: Majority Say USA’s Best Days Ahead

  Source: MRCtv | Eric Scheiner, @schineman Just before the Independence Day holiday, Gallup is releasing a new poll showing the majority of Americans believe the best days for the country are ahead.
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MIT Survey: Okay To Kill Two Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack

  Source: WHTT Editor CEC introduces Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Most of us who can remember WWII know we experienced a propaganda campaign to vilify the “slant eyed ones.”  But “Jap
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Polls predict conflicting outcome in AL race

  Source: One News Now | By Chad Groening, Billy Davis A spokesman for Roy Moore’s senate campaign says Alabama voters statewide support the embattled Republican candidate even though a Fox
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Gallup Finds Stunning Decline In Americans’ Respect For US Government

  Source: Zero Hedge Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation, On June 9th, Gallup’s Editor-In-Chief, Frank Newport, headlined «Americans Want More Than Just Budget Cuts» and reported that, «Gallup’s
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Poll: Americans Back Donald Trump’s Immigration Reforms by Three to One

  Source: Breitbart | NEIL MUNRO  Americans support Donald Trump’s Jan. 25 comprehensive immigration reform by three to one, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports. Sixty-one percent of Americans agree
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Clinton and Trump in Statistical Tie; Trump Has Closed the Gap Among Older Millennials

  Source: Zogby Analytics   If the election for President were being held today and the Democratic nominee for President is Hillary Clinton and the Republican nominee for President is
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BEST POLL EVER: 50,000 people polled in 50 states, 1/3 republican 1/3 democrat 1/3 independent. Trump won 67-19

  Source: Investment Watch Blog 1,000 people polled in each state 50,000 people Trump 67% Hillary 19%   Bonnie Woolfolk Smith This is a repost: Here is what a Real
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Poll: Donald Trump Hits 65 Percent in New York, More than 50 Percent Ahead of Ted Cruz

Breitbart | MATTHEW BOYLE | 17 Mar 2016 | Washington, DC  A new poll out on Thursday obliterates the latest mainstream media narrative confronting billionaire Donald Trump: That he can’t get majorities, but can
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Surveys Show Shocking Level of American Government ‘Hatred’

The Daily Bell | Daily Bell Staff | February 09, 2016 New Hampshire is the second state to make its picks for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees. Residents will cast ballots
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Poll: 25 percent of federal employees would quit under President Trump

The Hill | Caitlin Yilek | February 01, 2016, 04:29 pm A quarter of federal government employees say they would consider leaving their jobs if Donald Trump were to become president, according
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Donald Trump just surged to a new high in a poll — and he’s doubling his closest competitor

Business Insider | Brett LoGiurato | Jan. 26, 2015 Real-estate mogul Donald Trump has hit a new high-water mark in the CNN/ORC survey, garnering 41% support among national Republican-primary voters in a poll
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Another Propaganda Poll Skewed for Israel

WHTT | News Post | December 23, 2015  Americans have been conditioned to accept the error that Israel should have some influence on the US government. Once this would have been called sedition.
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Polls may actually underestimate Trump’s support, study finds

LA Times | David LauterContact Reporter | Dec. 21, 2015 Donald Trump leads the GOP presidential field in polls of Republican voters nationally and in most early-voting states, but some surveys may
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Horror: 41% of Americans Want Free Speech Restrictions

Source: Last Resistance Rob Knowles May 21, 2015  “Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even
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