ICAN Wins Nobel Peace Prize, Warns of Growing Threat

  Source: WHTT BBC News reports: One or Two Irresponsible Leaders Make Nuclear War Only ‘One Tiny Tantrum Away’ Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on Sunday, ICAN’s executive director Beatrice Fihn
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MIT Survey: Okay To Kill Two Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack

  Source: WHTT Editor CEC introduces Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Most of us who can remember WWII know we experienced a propaganda campaign to vilify the “slant eyed ones.”  But “Jap
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Moon Vents Korea Frustration by Asserting Right to Veto U.S. War

  Source: WHTT South Korean President Moon Jae-in has signaled his country will no longer stay quiet as tensions escalate between the U.S. and North Korea. In a forceful speech
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What the N. Korean “Crisis” Is Really About

  Source: Paul Craig Roberts The North Korean “crisis” is a Washington orchestration. North Korea was last at war 1950-53. N. Korea has not attacked or invaded anyone in 64
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Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China

  Source: Paul Craig Roberts   Not everyone likes to hear about the threat of nuclear war. Some find refuge in denial and say that nuclear war is impossible because
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A Russian warning

Source: The Saker We, the undersigned, are Russians living and working in the USA. We have been watching with increasing anxiety as the current US and NATO policies have set
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NATO: Proudly Delivering Death Since 1949

via: LewRockwell.com The Globalization of NATO, Author:  Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Clarity Press (2012), Pages: 411 with complete index.  The world is enveloped in a blanket of perpetual conflict. Invasions, occupation, illicit sanctions, and
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Not Content: Frustrated Dick Cheney Hints At Nuclear First Strike On Iran

http://21stcenturywire.com    –  Patrick Henningsen Such confidence. It’s good to know that Dick Cheney still has a high opinion of himself, at least someone does. BITTER: Apparently, eight years of
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Is the US Preparing to Launch a Nuclear Attack Against Russia and China?

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network It is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts assertion that the United States believes that it can win a nuclear war against both China and Russia. 
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The Course of World War III

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The world sits upon the precipice of World War III. The programs are printed and the players have been identified. The coming global conflict
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US-Russia nuclear war to end human race: Study

Source: Press TV In the Castle Bravo nuclear test, the US military detonated a thermonuclear hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954. American nuclear scientist Ira
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