Trump’s America First policy carries a heavy cost

  Source: WHTT This London Times editorial stops short of confirming that Mr. Trump was reneging on what is essentially a binding treaty of the US government, in spite it’s sham
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  via: BLN SOURCE: ANTI MEDIA | COMMON DREAMS (CD) — In a “bizarre” performance that conjured memories of former national security adviser Colin Powell’s infamous weapons of mass destruction speech in 2002, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
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Netanyahu Bombs Syria, Delivers PowerPoint Claiming Iran Has Secret Nuclear Weapons Program

  Source: Information Liberation Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a made-for-US-TV PowerPoint presentation in English on Monday where he appealed directly to President Donald Trump to cancel the Iran nuclear
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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to meet Trump, ‘commits to denuclearization’

  Source: BNO   U.S. President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by May, a South Korean official announced late on Thursday, claiming
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US: N Korea to be ‘destroyed’ if behaviour continues

  Source: Al Jazeera UN Ambassador Haley warns Pyongyang ‘a whole lot of military options’ are being considered to defend US and allies. The US ambassador to the UN warned North
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Israeli nukes are finally newsworthy– as US gov’t both releases and gags info

MONDOWEISS | Phil Weiss and Grant F. Smith | August 26, 2015  One of the side effects of the Iran Deal debate is that Israel’s nukes are also being discussed. There are signs of
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US press blacks out Israeli defense minister’s citation of ‘Nagasaki and Hiroshima’ as model for dealing with Iran

“I do remember the story [when] President Truman was asked, ‘How do you feel after deciding to launch the nuclear bombs, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, causing at the end the fatalities of
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The Course of World War III

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The world sits upon the precipice of World War III. The programs are printed and the players have been identified. The coming global conflict
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