Radical Leftists Unleash Anti-Trump Riots Starting On March 19th

InvestmentWatch | By Michael Snyder | Submitted by IWB, on March 18th, 2016 Many of the exact same groups that participated in Occupy Wall Street and helped organize protest rallies in Ferguson and
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Liberty U, Baptists Divided On Trump, Fear Split

WHTT | Charles E Carlson | March 15, 2016  Editor CEC observes:  Did Donald Trump start a giant split among the “evangelical” Republicans by his Liberty University appearance, as this story suggests?  Or is
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Poll: Donald Trump Hits 65 Percent in New York, More than 50 Percent Ahead of Ted Cruz

Breitbart | MATTHEW BOYLE | 17 Mar 2016 | Washington, DC  A new poll out on Thursday obliterates the latest mainstream media narrative confronting billionaire Donald Trump: That he can’t get majorities, but can
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Chicago Trump rally cancelled amid protests, chaos

RT | 12 Mar, 2016 01:38 Edited time: 12 Mar, 2016 02:10  Tensions between protesters and Donald Trump supporters caused the last-second cancellation of the presidential candidate’s rally in Chicago. An estimated
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‘Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump’

Washington Post | Robert Costa | March 10 at 6:34 PM  Donald Trump speaks as Ben Carson looks on during the Oct. 28 Republican presidential candidates’ debate in Boulder, Colo. (Rick Wilking/Reuters) MIAMI —
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Long Lines and Computer SNAFUS Marking Super Tuesday

KLBJ Newsroom| Austin, Texas | Mar. 01, 2016 On this Super Tuesday, voters all around Travis County are getting long lines and glitches to boot. Some early morning voters today in
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The DON! He’s Everywhere!!!!

  Really! REALLY!!

The Iraq War Was Not a Mistake, but a Holocaust

Russia Insider | Ben Tanosborn  (Tanosborn Online) | Mon, Feb 22, 2016 And America’s reigning political dynasties who supported it deserve to be flushed down the toilet … Originally appeared at Tanosborn
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What Trump Promised To Do To Hillary May Have Just Won Him The Election

Mad World News | Robert Rich | February 23, 2016  There are a great many things that 2016 presidential hopeful Donald Trump has promised the American people – and most of them are
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News With Views | Kelleigh Nelson | February 21, 2016 “For honest merit to succeed amid the tricks and intrigues which are now so lamentably common, I know is difficult; but the
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Gateway Pundit | Jim Hoft | Feb 18th, 2016 11:31 am  WOW! Pope Francis said Donald Trump was not “Christian” for wanting to build a wall on the US border… Trump responded.
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American Freedom Party makes the news again — Trump’s unwelcome support: White supremacists

  This article is presented as an illustration of the deviousness prevalent within MSM. The incendiary portrayal of the American Freedom Party seems specifically designed to enrage the masses. Tread
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“The Media – the Worst People EVER” – Donald Trump

GMMuk | Michael Aydinian | February 3, 2016 | News A while ago I said it will be down to the media with how I feel about Donald Trump – if they like him, then
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WATCH LIVE: Palin endorses Trump at Iowa rally

The Hill | The Hill Staff | January 19, 2016, 05:35 pm Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will join Donald Trump at an Ames, Iowa, rally Tuesday to endorse the Republican presidential
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EDITOR’S CHOICE – Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters

SuperStation95 | U.S.Reporter | Dec 26, 2015  To hear the patronizing wise men of the Republican Party tell it, anyone who would vote for Donald Trump for president must be deranged. “Trumpkins,” they
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Republican Candidates Outsource Their Foreign Policy

Bloomberg View | Josh Rogin There’s a good reason so many GOP candidates seem to be well-prepared yet uncannily in sync when it comes to foreign policy: Most of them have
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Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush, say he opposes Reaganism

Source: Washington Examiner By Paul Bedard | December 1, 2014 | 10:39 am Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush, say he opposes ReaganismConservative leaders who had a hand
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