Crazed Cop Follows Elderly Couple Home, Beats and Arrests Them—for Honking Horn

October 1, 2017 in News by RBN Staff



A power tripping park ranger snapped after an elderly couple honked at him, so he followed them home, beat, and arrested them.

Akron, OH — An elderly Ohio couple, who’ve never been in trouble with the law before got a hefty dose of the police state this week because they honked their horn at the wrong cop.

Carl and Margaret Wilson were on their way home this week when they came up behind a Summit Metro Parks ranger.

“I tooted the horn and went around; he swung out behind me and followed me up,” Carl Wilson told FOX 8.

But that is when the ranger’s road rage kicked in and he began following the couple home.


“So I come up here and pulled in the driveway and that’s when he pulled in behind me,” Carl explained.

“He was screaming, said, ‘get out of the truck,’ and ‘get on the ground.’ I said, ‘what`s wrong with you?’ I said, ‘I’m no criminal; why did you follow me?’”

Wilson explained that the ranger pulled him from his truck and threw him on the ground.

“He was absolutely crazy like he was on drugs and he wouldn’t answer any questions.”

Margaret explained that the crazed officer scared her and she thought he may hurt Carl who has to wear a protective vest due to an operation on his heart.

“I just thought he was going to hurt him because, you know, he has no protection here,” she said.

When Margaret got out of her car to confront the apparent road raging officer, he then threatened to hurt her.

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“I said, ‘you’re not going to hurt Carl,’ and he said, ‘woman, stand back; I’ll spray you with this mace.’”

Suddenly, however, instead of simply threatening to hurt the elderly woman, the officer took to actually hurting her.

“We were standing here at the door of the truck and he ran all the way back and took his foot and kicked her, messed up her elbow, messed up her back,” Carl explained.

A family friend took to Facebook to explain what happened.

These are Mary’s parents, Carl and Margaret Wilson. Both in their seventies, and Carl is an Army Veteran. They were brutalized by park ranger, Jeffrey Axner, in Akron Ohio. (Summit County) This can not be happening!?! Elderly, disabled and citizens of Akron for more than 50 years they have lived in the same home in Akron for all their married lives. Mary’s father wears a brace to protect his heart since an infection after open heart surgery caused him to have his breast bones removed. He was knocked to his knees and handcuffed behind his back for an hour and a half for the crime of honking his horn at a park ranger. This fraud also kicked Mary’s mother in the stomach, knocking her to the ground and handcuffed her as well. She laid on the ground, handcuffed and crying, shaking in fear while this monster threatened to mace her. Margaret is in frail health, having had two brain surgeries and a recent shoulder surgery. This could be your parents! If our country allows this kind of brutality to the old and frail, how are any of us safe?

Naturally, Carl and Margaret, who’ve never had a run-in with police before were terrified after this happened. They explained to FOX 8 that it was especially terrifying considering the fact that it happened in their own front yard.

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Carl then had some choice words about this tyrant who he says should’ve never been given a badge.

“I wasn’t even in the park. The guy, he shouldn’t even be a dogcatcher, let alone in the park as a ranger,” Carl said.

For honking at the power tripping officer, the elderly couple was attacked and arrested. However, the charges were so glaringly false that the Summit Metro Parks released a statement noting they are going to be dropping them immediately.

Summit Metro Parks has placed a park ranger on paid administrative leave following an incident yesterday involving a senior couple in their vehicle. We have also requested that all charges brought against the couple after the incident be dropped immediately.

The incident began yesterday morning at the Newton Street entrance of Goodyear Heights Metro Park. The ranger pursued the couple’s vehicle to a residence on Darrow Road and handcuffed both individuals after an altercation. A backup ranger was summoned to the scene, and an Akron Police officer driving past the residence also stopped to offer assistance. The couple was charged with resisting arrest, obstruction of official business, aggravated menacing and failure to comply.

We are conducting an internal investigation of the incident and have also reached out to the couple to learn more about the matter from their perspective. We are asking the Akron Police Department to conduct a third-party review as well. We will cooperate fully with APD’s review.

We take this matter very seriously. Our rangers are commissioned peace officers who enforce the park district’s rules, regulations and other applicable laws to protect resources, keep visitors safe and maintain good order. We hold our rangers, and all of our employees, to a high standard of conduct. Even though this incident unfolded outside park boundaries, we expect them to live up to that standard. The public deserves no less.

As soon as we learned of this incident, we immediately placed the ranger on paid administrative leave and began our investigation, in keeping with Summit Metro Parks policies and procedures, and in keeping with our contract with the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA).

We will provide updated information as new developments occur.

The Wilsons told FOX 8 they are hiring an attorney so we can rest assured the taxpayers of Akron will pay for this insane cop’s behavior

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“I don’t wish anything bad on him, but I think they should prosecute him so that he don’t act like that anymore and hurt someone else.”