Democrats Cut Mic on House Floor to Avoid Steve Scalise’s Impeachment Question
October 17, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Hide Out Now
Watch as Democrats cut the mic on the House floor to avoid taking Steve Scalise’s question on impeachment:
So much for fair, impartial and transparent!
Partial transcript:
SCALISE: “Currently, Madam Speaker, in all three of those cases, the House has taken an actual vote — “
SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “The gentleman is not stating a proper inquiry.”
SCALISE: “Madam Speaker, my parliamentary inquiry is this. Has the House — Madam Speaker, my parliamentary inquiry is this. Has the House been authorized to conduct an impeachment inquiry into President Trump?”
SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “The gentleman is not stating a proper parliamentary inquiry.”
SCALISE: “Madam Speaker, we ought to know the answer to that question. Madam Speaker, either the House has started a parliamentary impeachment inquiry or not.”
SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: “Pursuant to Clause 8 of Rule 20, the unfinished business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from California, Mr. Takano.”